Posts By: Dr. Vik

The long journey towards…

The middle…that’s where most of us end up. Not the best, and not the worst – Average – which is the best of the worst, and the worst of the best. The middle, the normal – like everyone else. The ones who end up in the middle follow the rest of the pack, the herd… Read more »

Thomas Edison’s quote…

“Genius is 1% Inspirations and 99% perspiration”. Is pretty right on when it comes to a lot of inventions and breakthroughs. On creating the incandescent light bulb, he used over 6,000 different filaments in attempts to make the bulb glow. And when a reporter asked, “How many times are you going to fail at creating… Read more »

I’ve always heard…

That “Life is not a sprint, but a marathon”. Kind of true…it sure isn’t a sprint, but thinking about the plodding, training and pain that comes along with a marathon, I don’t really think it’s that either – unless we want to perceive our life as filled with plodding, training and pain. I like to… Read more »

Sometimes, we are…

Deaf to Reason. Why? Maybe it’s because we are living in our own little “dream world” or just not willing to hear the facts or listen to the truth. It really makes no difference what the cause is, we only need to find the cure. And the cure is to make sure we have all… Read more »

A change…

In nature…whether it be the tides, stars, weather, or pretty much everything else…things are constantly changing. The same goes for our lives. So why is it so hard for some of us to accept change? Life and history shows that we resist change because we, as people, like to give the minimum to get the… Read more »

Building muscle…

Is not as easy as it’s sounds. Because every time we exercise in an effort to build muscles, we actually “tear down” our muscles…building muscles is a process. Once we exercise, we must “rest” the muscle to allow for it to build back stronger, in accordance to the stress put on it. And since the… Read more »

When you have…

Achieved what you wanted to achieve, and they throw a ceremonial party in your favor, and you’re the guest of honor. Make sure to put on a great outfit to greet all your adoring fans, because you are in your element and deserve to soak in all the glory. And as you think of yourself,… Read more »

Focus on Frustrations?

You bet! We face challenges everyday, and some we like to tackle, if they are presenting a challenge to us that we don’t mind tackling. But some challenges, we don’t like to tackle…and can be frustrating – that’s the boil. All we have to do in those instances, is “Spin it and Win it” –… Read more »

You can never do something nice…

…and not have affect you, positively. So if you want to feel a little better, just change doing something nice for “yourself “into doing something nice for “someone else”. You’ll feel better and so will the “someone else”…you get a 2-fer…Sweet. Yours in “The way it is” – Coach

You don’t have to be good…

At something, if you like to do it – just do it. Heck, I got D’s in English and it’s my native language. Even in College, I had to take “bonehead” English – English 101 and 110 – one is for reading and one is for writing. I read every book at zappos…and I read,… Read more »