Posts By: Dr. Vik

Whether it be a group, team or family…

Keeping people going in the right direction takes constant steering but should not need rounding up again unless left unattended. So if you find yourself in a continual round up, you may want to spend less energy rounding up and more energy in attending to the process. Yours in True Leadership – Coach

The insurance game…

Has been said to have 2 sides…one is bringing in the money and the other is letting as little of it as possible to go back out. And our lives may mirror the same game where we keep giving and getting nothing back. Well, “Loophole Vik” is here to say that it might be time… Read more »

The Paradox of Letting Go…

By yielding, I endure. The empty space is filled. When I give of myself, I become more. When I feel most destroyed, I am about to grow. When I desire nothing, a great deal comes to me. From the “Tao Of Leadership” Yours in “Letting Go” – Coach

When things are…

Black and white, we figure it out. But when things are “gray”, we seem to put it off for later. Can’t blame us, we are all busy and have plenty to do, so when we have to take extra time to figure it out – it gets shelved. OK, can’t put it away forever, we… Read more »

It’s not as bad as you think…

When we go to the Doctors office, we usually fear the worst…the same goes as we muddle over other areas of our life, many times we think the worst. Initially, this is not negative thinking, it is our innate process of survival which prepares us for the game plan, if things are really as bad… Read more »

Overnight Success?

Wouldn’t that be terrific! Super star over night… Seems that we see it all the time on TV and in the magazines. Yeah seems like it, but in reality, there are very few people who have  ever experienced over night success. In entertainment, most people that are successful have been doing it for years. It’s… Read more »

A smile…

Can help bring happiness to anyone, even if they don’t like us. A smile can also help us reinforce our subconscious pathways and all the positive physiological effects it brings about. A smile is also a great way to make someone feel special…”Have you ever entered a party or event and didn’t recognize anyone…then a… Read more »

Stay “Small”…

But Think Big. In challenging times in our lives, sometimes we need to look around and “take in” what nature gives us. When we are facing challenges, just sit at the beach and look at the vast ocean, look at the night sky with the billions of stars that are around us, or gaze at… Read more »

2 Years…

In the cadaver labs, in my training…were quite intense. We had to flag and identify every fissure, artery, gland…basically every landmark within the body and every detail that had an eponym tied to it – which was in the thousands. In the Lab, as we were working, it was quite clear that the way the… Read more »

I’ve had the Pleasure of…

Having a chat with many who have shared their challenges with me. A common thread that weaves through most all of the conversations is that the people all have been intently focusing on the challenges in their lives. They have “Spun it and Won it” by redirecting their focus on What is good in their… Read more »