Posts By: Dr. Vik

Haven’t made your life plans yet?

No worries. There is no late bell, or deadline. When you are ready, you are ready…keeping it as a priority in taking YOUR life to the “Next Level” will be motivator enough. Simply writing down a plan to meet a conceived deadline will produce empty results. Keep thinking, dreaming and planning and you will roll… Read more »

Have you ever noticed…

That the one thing or the many things that bug us, only do so when we are in a bad mood? That’s because, we have allowed ourselves to be in a bad mood, and what we then see, or pick up on, is simply in alignment with our thoughts or emotion. What we think about… Read more »

A Sunday Drive is nice…

But taking a Sunday Drive every day of the week will not get us too far. Balance is great, don’t get me wrong, but doing things just to be doing things, without direction, most of the time will just not help us get where we want to go. During the week, we may just want… Read more »

Your own camera?

Yes your body contains it’s own camera but unlike the digital ones you can buy in the stores, what you see may not be what you “get”. You see, our camera receives the image through the lens of our eyes yet is developed somewhere else…the brain. Once the picture is in the brain, more specifically… Read more »

Staying Hungry…

It was the title of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first movie when he was the top in his game in bodybuilding. He said that “staying hungry” was his recipe for success, for if he was full, he would be satisfied and not do more to excel. Staying hungry is also the opposite of “the fat cat syndrome”,… Read more »

Pushing things up…

In our lives is up is decided by us and no one else. And by pushing ourselves in the direction of where we want to go, we sometimes pull something out of us that we didn’t know was even there. Yours in “What will you find” – Coach


Comes with perseverance over time, but sometimes not within the time frame we would like. Research shows that an “Overnight Success” on average, takes 20 years. So don’t give up on your path of success, because you never know when it’s about to bloom. Yours in Time – Coach


A daunting word to say the least…but perseverance is just “keeping at it”. You don’t need to slog it out until you reach exhaustion, you just stick to what ever you are working on…over time. It’s like the Rabbit and the Turtle…the faster one doesn’t always win the race. So simply put the dials on… Read more »

The greatest pleasures…

For you and for me, Are often overlooked, Because they are free. When we are mindful of the above saying, we will have more enjoyment in our lives…because we won’t have to spend time working for the pleasures that costs us dough. We often get caught up with thinking stuff, and even more stuff will… Read more »


We talk a lot about empowering ourselves…what about others? Compassion is a good recipe for helping others. It not only contributes in helping them with their “deal” but it also gives way for better relationships. And it all starts with you. Yours in Compassion – Coach