Posts By: Dr. Vik

The Best Investment…

We can ever make is in our Mind and Body…and learning new things to help us is Never a waste of time. We are not born with all the answers and secrets that will help us be as healthy as possible, and we might have even been raised with some things that are not so… Read more »

Ever get Excited…

And it seems to come out of nowhere?? Take it and run with it – without hesitation! Many times we go cruising along, from day to day and week to week, just going about our business and only getting excited occasionally, because we are focused on what’s in front of us and not what’s around… Read more »

When one door closes…

Other doors always open up. Yet some of us don’t see the other doors opening, because our focus stays on the door that has closed. That’s the key to “Spinning it and Winning it”. When we face a challenge, like a door closing, we “spin it” into a positive, lesson, or an opportunity…that way, our… Read more »

Taking it to the “Next Level?”

Why not, everything else is going there. Would you like to work on a 1980’s computer? Or drive a 1930’s car? How about using the old telephone you had to crank? Even from birth we have been taking it to the “Next Level” with our experiences, knowledge and skills we acquire. Change is good and… Read more »

Things don’t happen to us…

They happen for us. When things happen to us, we become the victim, and when things happen for us, we are in charge and it is up to us, what we do with it, or what we do about it. It’s all about perception. Whatever comes our way, comes our way, and it is up… Read more »

Many decisions are in need…

Of some real analyzing…pulling from our own experiences. Other decisions are in need of some input from our friends and family. And with some decisions, we need some objective advice. And sometimes, we just need our “gut” to be the umpire. Yours in “Decisions” – Coach

How does your…

Positive train leave the station? Does it take until that first cup of coffee? Which is your turning “set point”…good to have a starting line. Or do you do it “reptilian style” and take your time, as you start to move around and get warmed up and get the blood flowing?…slow and sure is always… Read more »

Reprimand in Private…

(if we have to) and Praise in Public. A Good Rule to live by. Everybody knows their own faults and weaknesses,so there is no need to have others know them as well. And since we all strive for Acknowledgment and Recognition, Praise should be done in Public. And it makes no difference if it concerns… Read more »

Everybody has a life…

They create around themselves. It’s a very important message which we must all take to heart, because if we don’t, our live can spin out of control. Just look around you…is there peace and quite and order in your life? Or is there turmoil, drama and chaos all around. Whatever it is, you have created… Read more »

A real Friend…

Is the one who walks in…when the rest of the world walks out. We all have experienced challenges in our lives, some more than others, and when we look around, we see our real friends still there. Understanding how real friends have been there for us, the true questions is, “Have we been the one… Read more »