Posts By: Dr. Vik

Mike and Ike…

Were 20 and 10 years old, respectfully. Mike was 50% older than Ike. Ten years later, Mike was 30 and Ike was 20 years old. Now Mike was 30% older than Ike. Ten years later, Mike was 40 and Ike was 30. Mike was then 25% older than Ike. Will they ever catch up and… Read more »

Achieving our small Goals…

Will allow us to achieve our Big Goals. Most all of our Big Goals cannot be achieved in one “fell swoop”, because they contain some, if not many, important milestones or steps. That is the very reason many of us end up short or failing all together, when we attempt to achieve our Big Goals…all… Read more »

No matter what…

Stains we have in our past, we all have a spotless future. Good to know. Yours in “A Clean Slate” – Coach

There is only one…True Success.

And that is to spend your life, in your own way. Sound corny or unreachable? Maybe at first, but what is means, is that we first align ourselves with our passion. That’s the stumble point for most: “How can I make a living lying on the couch, or playing video games, or just hanging out?”… Read more »

Ever Rationalize…

Irrational choices? When it comes to what we eat vs what we shouldn’t eat? It’s OK, we all do, just some more than others, but we can all have better luck if we don’t keep or buy the things we have a weak spot for. It’s not that you don’t trust ourselves, we do…we trust… Read more »

At what age…

Did we take our pictures down? I bet, we can all remember back when we were young…we put posters and pictures up in our bedrooms of our hero’s. We would gaze at them at night, and we would awaken, and dream of what it would be like if we were our hero’s…how our life would… Read more »

Can we spread…

Our abilities to other areas? You bet we can. When we are very good at something, there is almost a 100% chance we can use our talent or skill in other areas and be just as successful. We never need to keep what we are great at, only to what we are great at…so when… Read more »

As some of us grew up…

We went through a period of making “forts”. You know, draping a towel, blanket, sheet or almost anything over a chair or table, or whatever, to get back that place of security. It’s said that was the time in our lives where the world started to get really big and we wanted to get back… Read more »

Letting go…

Of past inequities can be a difficult thing to do. Because when we let go of “what happened to us” in the past, also means letting go of getting even, or punishing the wrong doer…but this only negatively affects your future. There is a Karmic deal, that always seems to work out, and what goes… Read more »

Time for some…

Spring cleaning within our bodies? Sure, Spring is the time for “spring cleaning everything”. And nature has prepared everything for us to do just that. Warming weather and sunshine is there for us to move more and get all our organs, tissues and muscles to get moving again, and to help us clean our body… Read more »