Posts By: Dr. Vik

The great basketball coach…

John Wooden said, “You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you”. He’s right, we can do many things for ourselves, but until we do something for others, our day cannot be perfect. Yours in “Giving” – Coach

When goals are…

Ready, they are ready. Some of us use the “All or Nothing” in goal setting and it should really be “Better than Before.” But in reality, sometimes when we set a goal, it may lose priority…and we either stick to our goal until the bitter end, or we quit and feel guilty about not achieving… Read more »

Making a Goal is just like…

Planning. We all know how things go in our lives…it seems like we often don’t have enough time to fit things in, or do what we really want to do. But when we set a goal or make a plan, our goals and plans usually work out and get handled. That’s because we have declared… Read more »

High Fructose Corn Sugar – HFCS??

We Americans digest more High Fructose Corn Syrup or “HFCS” than natural sugar and the ratio is rising. Why? Because it’s cheaper and easier to transport than traditional sugar?? It is found in soft drinks, cereals, condiments and a host of other products and even in “natural foods.” A quick check of ingredients will surprise… Read more »

Have we been…

Keeping in touch with our friends and family? In my experience with coaching many folks over the years, a good majority of them have let it be known that “keeping in touch” was not their best attributes. But when they realize it, most of them have mad a plan and made it a point, to… Read more »

When we play the…

“Blame Game”, we are not taking responsibility, and therefore, we will be missing any lesson that the situation has to offer us. Yes, it’s easier to blame something or someone else for the things in our life or what happens to us, but we can never learn much when we point fingers. So let’s all… Read more »

Your skin is your bodies largest…

Organ of elimination. Summer heat and dryness being combated by lotions and creams may leave your pores clogged and thereby reducing your skins ability to do it’s job. You can take proactive measures by brushing you skin with either a wet or dry brush or washcloth to help to open up what needs to be… Read more »

Having a great time along our…

Journey, is much more than 1/2 the fun. Many times, we head out on a journey, focused with our heads down, moving straight ahead to achieve our goals. And there is somoething admirable about a person who can laser their energies to end up with their end goal. But even more admirable, is the one who can… Read more »

Stay on the…

Cautious side? That’s no fun, but when it comes to our wants, it may help us out. Taking only what we need, versus what we want can be good for us. Whether it means forgetting about that second helping of food or drink, or even taking more than we need from our friends. Taking only… Read more »