Posts By: Dr. Vik


By Analysis. Often causes our future to be “stuck” in our present. Thinking is a great precursor to action, but over thinking doesn’t allow our actions to take place. Has anyone ever said, “You think too much”? Maybe sometimes…we all think too much. Yours in “Let it Flow” – Coach


It’s something we need to do. We can go without food for weeks, water maybe days and without air…most likely not more than about 2 minutes. Yes, it’s pretty important…nearly all functions of our body, down to the cellular level  are aerobic, meaning they need oxygen. Yet, in our daily routine, most of us just… Read more »

Some of us have…

Challenges, issues and drama…from time to time. But for those of us that have them most of the time, we need to handle it and get on with our lives. Because challenges, issues and drama doesn’t attract a lot of good in our lives, only more of the same. Yours in “Handle it” – Coach

Focusing on the…

Good stuff, should outweigh the bad. Because most of the good stuff in our lives, pound for pound, always outweighs the bad. Remember last week? There were probably a thousand good things that went on in our lives, and only a couple of bad things, so why do we keep our focus on the bad?… Read more »

Is it True??

Not everything we see, read or hear is the truth. BUT, we seem to be “wired” to react as though it is! To maintain inner peace, we must not react to everything we see, read or hear. Introspection must be done if a repetitive topic keeps coming up, as feedback for us to change for… Read more »

Create or Fix, Your Choice

People have the innate ability to create. When we are through creating, we have a natural default, that is…when we no longer create, we “Fix”. So without creating our future, we tend to want to “fix” the present, and that is simply finding out what is wrong and attempt to change it. Even if there… Read more »

We are Powerful beyond measure.

My friend and mentor Tom Mendoza, Vice Chairman of Network Appliance (#1 on Forbe’s list of 100 Best Companies to work for) delivered a Powerful speech at one of their companies yearly sales conventions… It was titled “The Power of One”. All Greatness starts with “One”…one Vision, one individual, one focus, one goal. In understanding… Read more »

Tough times never last…

But tough people do. Looking back on our tough times from the past, we can see that the tough times made us stronger and in most cases, the really tough situations, have allowed us to change course and ultimately, were really blessings in disguise. If everything were easy, there would be no resistance and with… Read more »

From time to time…

We all have noticed that our life is all about putting out fires. Things happens, and they usually happen in 3’s…which is many times, overwhelming. But when these times occur, let’s just all stay calm and handle what is at hand. Because we also know that the smoke always clears, and that our new vision… Read more »

Free really does Cost…

With concern to the “things” in our lives. The fact is, people make things, and usually not for free, at least in the long run…so someone eventually has to pay. But our lives are Free and so are our Choices. Maybe it would be a good idea to cut some costs and throw out some… Read more »