Posts By: Dr. Vik

I Thank my Competitors…

My competitors do more for me than my friends. My friends are too polite to point out my weaknesses, but my competitors go to great lengths to tell me all of them. My competitors are efficient and diligent. They make me search for ways to improve my service and efficiencies. My competitors would take my… Read more »

Occasionally, we get…

Out of bed with our “C” game. Doesn’t matter much if we stay at home, by ourselves, and don’t interact with anyone. But those instances are rare. We may wake up with our “C” game but we must leave our house with our “A” game. Why? For starters, that’s like us – and we can… Read more »

If we think back…

A great Leader or Mentor in our lives, never made us feel like we interrupted them. They were always there…to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. It may have been our parents, Uncle or Aunt, coach or a friend, and they were our “go to person”, when we needed some good advice or… Read more »

Are you Proud…

Of your life? Pretty daunting question. But, for the moment, drop the regrets and some of the little things that we all have undoubtedly messed up on, or could have done better, if we had another chance. Step back and take a look at the Big Picture of your Life, by the broad strokes that… Read more »

When do you charge…

Your batteries? They need to be charged, otherwise we end up like a toy with the batteries drained and only do some of what we are meant to do – or at least, do it more slowly. Is it on our time off, or our weekends when we really have the time to slow down… Read more »

Move it, Move it.

There are times when we need to get going, especially when we face challenges. “When the coals get hot, we need to move our feet”, otherwise we get burned. And “When we are playing with Elephants, we need to move quickly, or we get stepped on”. Good things to know, because there are times when… Read more »

Are your guilty pleasures…

Irresistible or Irresponsible? When they are irresistible,  it’s probably OK as they would fit in the 20% of the 80/20 Rule – and they probably don’t affect anyone as we are just cutting loose or balancing out. But when they are irresponsible…they are probably not OK and most likely put us in peril or the… Read more »

Haven’t made your life plans yet?

No worries. There is no late bell, or deadline. When you are ready, you are ready…keeping it as a priority in taking YOUR life to the “Next Level” will be motivator enough. Simply writing down a plan to meet a conceived deadline will produce empty results. Keep thinking, dreaming and planning and you will roll… Read more »

Have you ever noticed…

That the one thing or the many things that bug us, only do so when we are in a bad mood? That’s because, we have allowed ourselves to be in a bad mood, and what we then see, or pick up on, is simply in alignment with our thoughts or emotion. What we think about… Read more »