Posts By: Dr. Vik

Occasionally, we are too critical…

Of what we create…or of ourselves, taking our attention off the “whole picture”. My Grandmother used to cook the best meals I think I have ever eaten – ever. Turkey with the best gravy…Pot roast…ham for Easter…you know, the old fashioned kind with the pork cracklings still on it. But it never failed…about 5-10- minutes… Read more »

If Challenges are the Symptom…

What’s the Cause? Most everybody that comes to me for coaching have been focused on the Challenge or Symptom and not the Solution or the Cure…that’s because they haven’t found the Cause. Once we find the Cause, we can move forward to the Solution part and start to make a plan to handle the Challenge…. Read more »

That’s how I do it…

Is it really? Sounds like you “own it” when you say that. Nothing wrong with that. We all do “stuff”, but it’s really “how” we do it, that matters most. You can sweep the streets – in lethargic boredom, or in a beautiful dancing rhythm. You can work at your desk – with a heavy… Read more »

There will never be another you…

We’ve heard it before, with virtually countless generations and billions of people currently on this planet, there will never be another you. May not be a big deal at a glance, but when we really think about it, if there will never be another you, what are you doing to make your contribution to history?… Read more »

Some say it is…

Fate, that decides who walks into our lives. That may be true, but what we focus our thoughts upon, also allows the same to come into view. So we can guide which kind of fate comes into our lives, by the way we think. But for those who walk into our lives, it is solely… Read more »

One of the “All Time Greatest”…

Golfers, Jack Nicklaus, also had one of the greatest “Mindsets” in golf. When he was asked “Why his golf game was so great, over so many years”, he replied… “I always looked at a golf tournament as an opportunity to succeed. while I have known some others that have thought of it as an opportunity… Read more »

Seeds of Greatness…

Are in every one of us, and it is up to US to make sure they are nourished in order for them to take root and grow. Just like anything that needs care, we are talking about consistency, and not just a once in a while thing. So what are you doing consistently, to allow… Read more »

Rise and Shine!

Yep – The old school phrase used when you woke up and it’s a time tested, powerful 3 word affirmation which we should all repeat, or use as our daily morning mantra. Make no mistake about it – it’s not Rise and Dull…it’s “RISE AND SHINE”:) My wife and 15 year old daughter choose to… Read more »

We all have our own…

Challenges, and sometimes we see the challenges of others, and can’t see whay they can’t handle them. It sure looks easy to us, looking at it from the “outside”. But when we look at our own challenges, like losing that 10 pounds, it may look easy from the “outside”, but when they are our own,… Read more »

Looking at a…

Blank, Full Year Calender, with all 12 months in view, we can see the entire year empty. And in viewing the New Year as a “Clean Slate“, it can conjure up all sorts of scenarios and possibilities that we have the opportunity to fill in. What are we going to do to make this the… Read more »