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A cold call…

Can always be “warmed up” if we only did our homework. With all the information that is out there on the Internet, it is pretty easy to find out about someone, to help communication and building a relationship even before we start. And even asking around, we can find out about people and their interests… Read more »

Great Feats…

Are really something you can carry with you for the rest of your life and maybe even something to tell the Grandkids. Great Feats always have a common thread…it’s something we accomplish when we push ourselves beyond our normal limits. By undertaking a Great Feat, we need to keep our mind focused on the process… Read more »

Nothing is really difficult…

But execution is. We have all been there and have also seen it with our owns eyes. Talking the talk is the easy part but walking the walk can be difficult. Maybe that’s why the phrase “Talk is cheap”, rings so true. So understand that whatever big ideas we have, and talk about, are really… Read more »

Sometimes, you just have to…

“Let it go”. When it’s in your sleep, in your dreams and in your waking hours…it hasn’t been handled. And when some things cannot be handled…it’s time to “Let it go”. If you don’t, you make it harder on yourself. Yours in “Peace” – Coach

State Change?

That’s what many of us are looking for. And we’re not talking a state change from the 50 in our nation, we’re talking about changing our emotional, mental or physical “state”…or “state” of mind. In life, from moment to moment, unless we are in our bliss, where time flies by without notice – we seek… Read more »

Usually, nothing comes today…

But today. And that’s the very reason we need to keep at it – for the things we want. We like to call it – “Focus – Time – Repetition”. “Focus” on what we want, give it “Time”, and with “Repetition” – we can achieve anything. Want a better body? Great – “Focus” on what… Read more »

Can’t put an old head…

On young shoulders. Probably be good if we could, but just wouldn’t look right. But if we could use the mind, it would be terrific…Thinking what we know at a younger age – maybe we could of have had a lot better time?? But we can’t, and it would really spoil the amazing things we… Read more »

Effects of Emotion

PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF EMOTION Being positive directs one to be creative, non-defensive, open to new ideas, constructive and tolerant. Your “Dominant Thought” of being positive does its best searching out what is good instead of what is bad. Whereas being negative puts one on a “seek and destroy” mission of finding what is wrong in… Read more »

Facing some of the really big…

Tasks or projects in our lives, it can be daunting to say the least. Just thinking or imagining the time that will be needed to finish it, or bring it to completion, can become a barrier to even start the process. But if we believe it’s worthwhile, we must breakdown the barrier and start the process… Read more »

A friend of mine…

Recently had a goal of helping his kids find their passion, to help them in their future.. It was a tough deal, as the kids are young and he didn’t know where to start. So I suggested that he let his kids know how to identify their passion by telling them this: “When you have… Read more »