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No one is “stuck”…

When they start out. Occasionally we may feel that way, but with all the possibilities and opportunities for us to create anything we want, we need to stay focused on that. We may have some difficulty on getting started, but once we choose a direction, we can all start some pretty amazing chain of events,… Read more »

Do you have an albatross…

Hanging around your neck? Some of us do – it’s that thing that we can’t shake, get better or get rid of. It can be that nagging challenge that we have been not addressing with current health condition or that bothersome item that has not been dealt with. It may even be our inability to… Read more »

We are always touching something…

Unless we are jumping off the ground, but even then, we are touching air. We need to understand that we are always touching something…life is a contact sport. It may not make a lot of difference when we touch a table or the ground, or touch a chair as we sit down, for these are… Read more »

Making a Goal is just like…

Planning. We all know how things go in our lives…it seems like we often don’t have enough time to fit things in, or do what we really want to do. But when we set a goal or make a plan, our goals and plans usually work out and get handled. That’s because we have declared… Read more »

We’ve all had…

Some rough patches in our lives, and looking in our past we have seen some pretty big pot holes and detours we’ve had to take to get us to where we are now. And since things in our past, were once in our future, we can only expect some more rough patches and detours to… Read more »

Occasionally, we are too critical…

Of what we create…or of ourselves, taking our attention off the “whole picture”. My Grandmother used to cook the best meals I think I have ever eaten – ever. Turkey with the best gravy…Pot roast…ham for Easter…you know, the old fashioned kind with the pork cracklings still on it. But it never failed…about 5-10- minutes… Read more »

If Challenges are the Symptom…

What’s the Cause? Most everybody that comes to me for coaching have been focused on the Challenge or Symptom and not the Solution or the Cure…that’s because they haven’t found the Cause. Once we find the Cause, we can move forward to the Solution part and start to make a plan to handle the Challenge…. Read more »

That’s how I do it…

Is it really? Sounds like you “own it” when you say that. Nothing wrong with that. We all do “stuff”, but it’s really “how” we do it, that matters most. You can sweep the streets – in lethargic boredom, or in a beautiful dancing rhythm. You can work at your desk – with a heavy… Read more »

There will never be another you…

We’ve heard it before, with virtually countless generations and billions of people currently on this planet, there will never be another you. May not be a big deal at a glance, but when we really think about it, if there will never be another you, what are you doing to make your contribution to history?… Read more »

Some say it is…

Fate, that decides who walks into our lives. That may be true, but what we focus our thoughts upon, also allows the same to come into view. So we can guide which kind of fate comes into our lives, by the way we think. But for those who walk into our lives, it is solely… Read more »