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We eat with our eyes…

And continue eating because of the taste. Here’s the deal…We first are attracted to food by the looks, which plays a role on the taste, and if both are top notch, as most restaurants and fast food fully understand, we want it, and we want more.. So in preparing meals at home that we design… Read more »

What have we done lately…

For the people that love us? Have we been working too long and hard to fit them in? Have we been too busy on ourselves, to find the time for them? Or have we just neglected them, because we are just being lazy? Whatever the excuse, it’s just an excuse. They love us for a… Read more »

When we take the…

“High road”, we never “burn bridges”. Taking the “high road” isn’t always our first choice or instinct. Many times, we want to give back the “junk” that people throw at us…but that will only have us playing the same game as the ones throwing “junk”, and that’s not like us. So no matter what the… Read more »

Releasing and Letting go…

Of what others do, and focusing on being in sole control of what we do, is a solid base for being. When we let go of others and take control of ourselves, we can then enjoy the feelings of being truly free. And as the saying goes, “The only thing we can control is ourselves… Read more »

How will  your day…

Be today? Chances are, that whatever mindset you have, on how your day will be, will come into reality. If you think you will have a “just OK day”, all your thoughts, perceptions, actions and decisions will make it a “just OK day”. But if you think you day will be super – or even… Read more »

Some of us are on the cutting edge…

Of Ignorance…I know I am. We can’t know everything, and we can never know it all, but we can sure keep learning. Remember when we were all 16? We knew it all! We were definitely smarter than our parents and undoubtedly smarter than our teachers. Then, once “real life” started to rear it’s head of… Read more »

“Looks like she fell out of the…

Giving tree and hit every branch on the way down”. That would be a pretty sweet thing people could say about us…it’s all about our “Brand” – and a brand is just about what people say about us, not what we say about ourselves. So what is your “Brand”? Is it good, bad or in… Read more »

Time is our most…

Precious gift…for time is actually “our life”. That is exactly why, the greatest gift we can give someone…is our time. So why not stop our own “deal” and give a bit of our life to another, with our gift of our time. Hold a door open, hold the elevator, or simply hold that smile just… Read more »

On the Internet…

When will fill out forms or proceed towards checkout, they don’t really let you skip over what’s important to them. The “required fields” need be filled out and all the boxes have to be checked. Frustrating at times, but we can’t move forward without it being done. Having all the boxes checked is also frustrating… Read more »