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Banquet or Bust…

Feast or Famine. Or whatever analogy your choose. Life sure has it’s ups and downs! When we are in the “Flow” and things are “clicking”, it easy to be feeling great and on top of the world. Conversely, when things aren’t really going too smoothly and stuff seems to be coming at a faster pace… Read more »

Going to the “Next Level” and not…

Taking a step? That would be pretty nice, but regretfully, moving forward or to the “Next Level” takes a bit of effort…and definitely includes taking a step or steps. So understanding that every move forward, or up, needs to include a step or steps, is the first “step” in getting there. But occasionally we have… Read more »

Need to get it going?

Well then, there is a reason that the word “motion” is part of the word “emotion”, so maybe it’s time to put a little emotion in…it’s a great way to spark some motion, and get the ball rolling. Because most things that get our emotions flowing, in turn, gets some motion flowing in our lives…. Read more »

It sure would be nice…

If we were able to achieve everything that we set out to do, when we set out to do them. But life always changes and it seems to change our focus on what was important in the past, to what is important in the future. So don’t worry about not achieving everything we set out… Read more »

Crawl back from the Abyss…

When you look at your life and wonder how you got to the edge…far from where you want to be. Simply, turn it around and slowly make your way back to where things need to be. First we Crawl, then we Walk…then we Run. Yours in “A Nice Trip” – Coach

Here’s the ticket…

To release weight, we need to do one or both of the following: 1. Exercise more. 2. Eat better or less. Easy as one – two. Yours in simplicity – Coach

What’s your Trademark?

We are all known for something, and it is up to us to be known for what we do best. A trademark can be a valuable asset or a liability. We know the story, some people are known for their wisdom, others for their ability to get things done, while others are known for their… Read more »

“Every time I go to…

See you, something happens to something”. Ever feel that way, with your intentions, or when someone intends to see you? In either case, it doesn’t feel that good, does it. There is always tomorrow, later or another time. But with people, the best time is usually “Now”. Yours in “Creating the Time” – Coach

There were a couple of…

Brothers who were just a year apart, and lived in the same home with the same parents. They also went to the same school and played the same sports and virtually had the same upbringing. Over time, they seemed to develop different personalities which had evolved from their own thoughts and perceptions. One developed a… Read more »

When we are in need…

We just need to read. Whenever we need something in our lives, getting a book, article or information on the subject is the way to go. We have all, most likely, read something when we are searching for an answer to our question and the words seem to jump off the page, when it comes… Read more »