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When balancing out…

We need to remember to get “out” side. Sanitariums of the past had the recipe, when folks needed to balance “out” their lives. Set in beautiful settings, the “patients” we urged to slow down and take in what nature had to offer, like long walks, sitting on a park bench beneath majestic trees, surrounded by… Read more »

We all mess up…

It’s just a part of life. When we do, why not just admit it and use it for a lesson, on what not to mess up on in the future, and apologize if needed. In doing this, we can cut the guilt which only keeps our focus on what we messed up on, and in… Read more »

Keep picking out…

Things you like about yourself, and be thankful that you have them, because before too long, what you once liked, will be gone. Many people try to hold onto things that go away, and become attached to loss. Your perfect physique and good looks? – Over time, gravity beats out exercise, and things lose form…. Read more »

Inspired Thoughts

Many of us have them and some more than others. Inspired thoughts… They are the creative thoughts that seem to come out of no where and leave just as fast. Inventions, dreams, visions and the impossible come from these inspired thoughts. Isn’t it frustrating when you have a fantastic inspired thought and try to remember… Read more »

We all make Mistakes…

It’s OK, we’re human, but the deal is that we need to “own it”. Passing the buck, shifting the blame, and being the victim are all really cute ideas but don’t really handle the situation, although some think they do. Oh, and the masters of the one’s who don’t “own” their mistakes create all sorts… Read more »

Just because someone…

Says “No” to you. Doesn’t mean you have to say “No” to yourself! We have all experienced more “No’s” in our lifetime than we would like to admit, and when you really think about it, they usually have come from someone not really understanding us, or what we were asking. And the one who accepts… Read more »

Think too much?

Some of us do, and that’s why we just need to get “out of our heads” once in a while and let things flow…and relish the moments. What make us different from other species is our unique cognitive abilities of “thought” which allows us to process information and intellectualize. It’s quite useful for opening a… Read more »

There is nothing wrong…

With aiming high, but helping others to aim high with you, is even better. You can reach the top mountain yourself, but then there is no one else there. You can make a Billion, but without others, spending it on yourself would get boring. You can reach the pinnacle of success alone, but where do… Read more »

When we enter…

Some one’s home, does it sound better to hear, “Good afternoon”, or, “Welcome”? When we see an old friend, does it sound better to hear, “Hi”, or, “Nice to see you”? When we do something great, does it sound better to hear, “Good job”, or, “Wow, you really impressed me”? Whatever you think sounds better… Read more »

“Shift It”

“Shift It” Running through life at the same pace can sometimes be boring and fatiguing. I’ve taken care of ultra long distance marathon runners who run for 24 hours at a time and also those who have also qualified for the Boston Marathon. What they taught me was that when they run, they “shift” the… Read more »