Posts By: Dr. Vik

Life without Purpose…

Is Purposeless? Well, maybe not purposeless, but it would be more worth it, for us, if we had a Purpose, and even better for us and others, if we had a higher Purpose than ourselves. A Purpose gives us something to focus on and to dream about at night. Just think, if we all did… Read more »

If your future…

Is a blank Canvas…what are you going to paint? Just to make things clear – your future IS a blank canvas – and is waiting for you to do your magic! We can always paint our future in a traditional fashion – with a house, kids and a picket fence. Or maybe a little a… Read more »

There are a million…

Things that can annoy, worry or irritate us – don’t let them. It sure is easy to allow those negative things take over our emotions. So why not…Let the million things…that can bring us joy, happiness and love in. It’s Most likely the better choice. Yours in another “Spin it and win it” – Coach

We get…

…what we settle for. Whether we allow it, choose it, or put up with it…it make no difference…the fact is simply, what is in our life, is in our life. And if we don’t like it, it is up to us to change it. Yours in “It’s up to You” – Coach

As we Know…

Our Thoughts have a great deal of influence on how we feel about things and it is our Choice to Choose our Thoughts. Where we see ourselves and how we see our life is basically up to us…we can think poorly about our situation or feel excited about our future – all our Choice. I… Read more »

If we don’t feed something…

It will wither away. That’s the case with our thoughts and habits that we don’t want. Changing our thoughts and habits from what we don’t want, and replacing them with what we do want, will be feeding what we want, and starving what we don’t want. And over time, what we don’t want, will soon… Read more »

I’m ready for whatever…

But whatever never happens, because I’m ready – That’s the way I roll – How about You? Life’s going to throw junk at us on a consistent basis, that’s just the deal, but when you’re ready – it make no difference what it is, for when it comes your way – it’s not junk –… Read more »

Past, Present or Future??

The grass seems to be always greener somewhere else… You can live in the Past which is over, live in the Future which is not here, or choose to live in the Present…all up to you. A good rule of thumb is: 1. REMEMBER the Past. 2. DREAM your Future. 3. LIVE in the Present…. Read more »

In business, looking at your computer screen…

May let you know the results, in numbers, of what the business is doing, but continually looking at your screen won’t change what you see. The people are what makes up the numbers. So if you want to change what you see on your computer, you need to work with your people. Yours in “The… Read more »

People change when they’re ready…

But sometimes we forget that.  I have coached many because they are having a tough time trying to change someone. Like…”I lent my best buddy Joe some cash and he hasn’t paid me back”? Then we get to Joe’s deal…he only works when he wants to, always broke and has filed bankrupcy in the past…. Read more »