Posts By: Dr. Vik

Mickey Kane…

Made everything look so easy! At work he seemed to flow with the flow and even bring it up a notch, at a whim. His personal life was the same too…everyone liked him and he was quite a leader. When someone finally asked him what his secret was, he revealed it was no secret at… Read more »

Are you a Dollar doing a Nickel Job??

That saying can take many meanings, but the one that can cover all bases is when you take a look at what you do in your life, are you doing it up to your potential? Some people are OK being a dollar doing a nickel job because they can’t fail. They do just enough to… Read more »

Your body is a captive audience.

It can only perform on what YOU put inside of it and can only be moved or exercised when YOU decide. So feeding it well and keeping it mobile with exercise is the real recipe to a successful owners manual. If you don’t do it…no one else will. Yours in Proper Maintenance – Coach

If you think you have…

A wonderful life…You will continue to have a wonderful life, for all that comes into your life that is not wonderful, you quickly discard, as it is not part of your reality. WOW, how sweet is that?? – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

First, I was dying…

To be old enough to get my license and drive a car, Then I was dying to finish high school and go to college, Then I was dying to get a job, get married and have kids, Then I was dying to to have my kids grow up and retire, Then I realize, I am… Read more »

Need a stress reliever?

Take a good look around you and what’s cluttering up your life. Too much “stuff” that is left undone, research shows, causes stress and doesn’t allow us to clearly focus…because of the “stuff” that we know, eventually has to be handled. So, from time to time, we need to take a “time out” and handle… Read more »

The moment we start to…

Count our regrets, instead of our blessings, we have lost the game. Regrets, yeah, we probably have a few, but not enough to count. After all, we are now in the present and we are a product of all that has gone on in the past. And regrets are just living in the past, and… Read more »

Everybody’s “Picture” is Different

It’s called Perception. We all see different things…looking at the same thing. There have been studies that prove this concept, by having people describing what they saw…and the explanations and definitions, all differed. Being aware of this, and knowing that others will, most always, have a different point of view or perception than yours, is… Read more »

Whatever we…

Put up with…we get. It would nice if it were different, but it’s not. Is there anything we have been putting up with that we don’t necessarily want? If the answer is yes, there is no better way to stop getting what we’re getting, than to stop putting up with it. It’s not up to… Read more »