Posts By: Dr. Vik

The High Road…

The high road has been the perfect answer to many when comes to challenges concerning personal relationships. Not giving in to the urge to “get even” is taking the high road. So when you are faced with challenges regarding others, keep your sanity and don’t give in to the negative emotions or the vacuum of… Read more »

If things don’t always go…

The way we hoped they would or the way we planned, we just need to keep at it. We often underestimate the time frame in the way things should turn out, and many times it’s just that we have an overly optimistic view, or that life has thrown us a curve ball that we didn’t… Read more »

Everyone you see today…

Has their own Challenges. Challenges are just part of the deal. Some may have health troubles or financial concerns, while others may be experiencing relationship woes…we’ve all got something – don’t kid yourself. And so do you. It’s life. Everything can be perfect, but for only a short while…because things change. We may want to… Read more »

A Grand Idea…

Also needs a Grand Plan! Otherwise, your Grand Idea, just stays an idea. We can write our Grand Ideas down on 3 by 5 cards and maybe pin them to a wall…then when we get the urge to move it out of an idea stage, write actions steps on 3 by 5 cards and pin… Read more »

Start Things Off Smooth…

I’m talking about a “Smoothie”. It’s hard to beat a delicious smoothie packed with fruits, fluid and nuts to start your day with a healthy blast. Just put in some fruit, ice and fluid of your choice and you can also add nuts, wheat germ, or anything else you like and blend it up! Starting… Read more »

I saw a waitress…

The other day who was getting “slammed” by a patron. The patron was giving her all sorts of havoc. He was loudly saying, for all to hear, “I have been waiting for over 20 minutes for my meal and it is different than I had last time, can’t you get anything right…”? And with all… Read more »

Posture, Can I Change It??

Yes, posture is something that can be changed but needs time. After taking tens of thousands of spinal x-rays, the common denominator is that most spines were individually formed basically the same, yet were held in different aspects of posture. There are 3 reasons for this: 1. Posture is partially determined by the genes in… Read more »

Fear can be a good thing…

It has been our evolutionary friend and without fear, we would have perished long ago. So understand, you don’t have to conquer all of you fears, just keep the ones that keep you safe and alive, and eliminate the ones that don’t make sense. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King


…Any game gets easier over time. So when is it time for you to “Up the Game”? – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Sleep comes and goes…

And with out it, we can get a little short in the fuse. Knowing that without much sleep, we can get short, cranky and feel like junk, is the first step. Understanding what comes after little sleep is the easy part…but a bad nights sleep doesn’t have to turn into a bad day. Option #… Read more »