Posts By: Dr. Vik

Many decisions are in need…

Of some real analyzing…pulling from our own experiences. Other decisions are in need of some input from our friends and family. And with some decisions, we need some objective advice. And sometimes, we just need our “gut” to be the umpire. Yours in “Decisions” – Coach

How does your…

Positive train leave the station? Does it take until that first cup of coffee? Which is your turning “set point”…good to have a starting line. Or do you do it “reptilian style” and take your time, as you start to move around and get warmed up and get the blood flowing?…slow and sure is always… Read more »

Reprimand in Private…

(if we have to) and Praise in Public. A Good Rule to live by. Everybody knows their own faults and weaknesses,so there is no need to have others know them as well. And since we all strive for Acknowledgment and Recognition, Praise should be done in Public. And it makes no difference if it concerns… Read more »

Everybody has a life…

They create around themselves. It’s a very important message which we must all take to heart, because if we don’t, our live can spin out of control. Just look around you…is there peace and quite and order in your life? Or is there turmoil, drama and chaos all around. Whatever it is, you have created… Read more »

A real Friend…

Is the one who walks in…when the rest of the world walks out. We all have experienced challenges in our lives, some more than others, and when we look around, we see our real friends still there. Understanding how real friends have been there for us, the true questions is, “Have we been the one… Read more »

Whether it be a group, team or family…

Keeping people going in the right direction takes constant steering but should not need rounding up again unless left unattended. So if you find yourself in a continual round up, you may want to spend less energy rounding up and more energy in attending to the process. Yours in True Leadership – Coach

The insurance game…

Has been said to have 2 sides…one is bringing in the money and the other is letting as little of it as possible to go back out. And our lives may mirror the same game where we keep giving and getting nothing back. Well, “Loophole Vik” is here to say that it might be time… Read more »

The Paradox of Letting Go…

By yielding, I endure. The empty space is filled. When I give of myself, I become more. When I feel most destroyed, I am about to grow. When I desire nothing, a great deal comes to me. From the “Tao Of Leadership” Yours in “Letting Go” – Coach

When things are…

Black and white, we figure it out. But when things are “gray”, we seem to put it off for later. Can’t blame us, we are all busy and have plenty to do, so when we have to take extra time to figure it out – it gets shelved. OK, can’t put it away forever, we… Read more »

It’s not as bad as you think…

When we go to the Doctors office, we usually fear the worst…the same goes as we muddle over other areas of our life, many times we think the worst. Initially, this is not negative thinking, it is our innate process of survival which prepares us for the game plan, if things are really as bad… Read more »