Posts By: Dr. Vik

Rules of the game…

Are there for sports, but when it comes to the game of life, it may be time for you to change the game. Doing the same thing, day after day and year after year, may get results but you can always change the game and get an even better outcome. Why not do things a… Read more »

Records are made to be Broken…

Although some just want a new record without paying the toll. Breaking records are the sum of many parts: Determination, Consistency and Perseverance are paramount to this process. These factors are also the mainstays in taking it to the “Next Level”. Since Structure dictates Function, re-thinking how we do things, to break a record, and… Read more »

Let’s not end up like…

Sisyphus… The cat in Greek Mythology who had to roll up a huge stone up a steep hill, just to watch it roll back down, and continue to do it for eternity. He was made to do this because Sisyphus wasn’t too kind to people. He would kill, and pretty much take whatever he wanted,… Read more »

Should I do this…

Or should I do that? Decisions, Decisions? Remember – No decisions, is a decision. When it comes to the decisions to “strap up” and start moving forward….the time is now. Or, we can wait until we are younger, richer, or more better looking. Yours in “Choice” – Coach

We get…

…what we settle for. Whether we allow it, choose it, or put up with it…it make no difference…the fact is simply, what is in our life, is in our life. And if we don’t like it, it is up to us to change it. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Pushing things up…

In our lives is up is decided by us and no one else. And by pushing ourselves in the direction of where we want to go, we sometimes pull something out of us that we didn’t know was even there. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Tough times?

All depends. This current economic time will pass, and it may not be as bad as it seems – or could be – only time will tell. But we can handle anything life brings us…thanks to our amazing brain and it’s cognitive abilities – pertaining mostly to the mental process of perception, memory, judgment and… Read more »

Are you training…

Your body to the shape you want it to be in? Focus – Time – Repetition,  will do the trick. By consistently moving (Repetition) the part you want to change (Focus), over a period of time (Time) will challenge the muscles in the area to grow due to the stress applied to it, and will… Read more »

I couldn’t have done it…

Without you. But really, I could have, but I could never have as much fun doing it…without you. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Having fun, doing something…and sharing it with someone else. Yours in “You bet it is” – Coach


Some don’t listen. In 1954, doctors and scientist said no one can run a mile under 4 minutes. Our bone structure was wrong, wind resistance was too great, our hearts could not take the strain and our lungs were inadequate. Roger Bannister wasn’t listening. He trained his 25 year old body and mind with thousands… Read more »