Posts By: Dr. Vik

We can Master our senses…

And our body functions. We’ve all heard of the Masters that can focus on their body or their senses and control the function – Maybe that’s why we call them Masters. Some can purposefully drop their hear rate to 30 beats per minute on command. Others can gain and sustain high amplitude gamma waves which… Read more »

What are we consumed with…

  In our thoughts at night – when we are supposed to be sleeping, but aren’t? Most of us seem to balance out when we go to bed and unwind our thoughts and take the leash off our reality. That’s good, yet it also can be a challenge as our thoughts sometimes take liberty with… Read more »

I’ve had the extreme honor…

And opportunity to speak at some great companies. A common thread and consistent challenge that the companies face is exactly the same as our lives – and that is trying to “stay on calender”. You know the deal, things get in the way in our lives and give us obstacles that we have to go… Read more »

Money Matters…

We haven’t talked much about money…it doesn’t make a life, but it helps keep you living… I’ve worked with many people on all ends of the money scale. From a single parent raising 3 kids on her own putting $100 into savings every month, to adults, living with their grandparents with only an $80 cell… Read more »

Some of us run away from…

Success and some of us Run away from Failure. In either case, we are running away from something which puts us in the position of reacting, and not in control. Why not Run towards something…then we are responding and it allows us to be the one in control. Yours in Perspective – Coach

Having a hard time getting…

Out of bed? Most likely, it’s starting from us having a hard time getting out of our heads. Thinking negatively, and not taking the opportunity to “seize the day”, and finding something to get excited about…starts us off in a funk and usually keeps us there. Why is it a shame? Because it is 100%… Read more »

What we see in the mirror…

Is not always what others see. We are all unique and beautiful in our own special way. Yet, we don’t always see it. This is because some of us are self critical, and our worthiness or self esteem is usually below the view of what others see. Yes, most people think more highly of us… Read more »

I Thank my Competitors…

My competitors do more for me than my friends. My friends are too polite to point out my weaknesses, but my competitors go to great lengths to tell me all of them. My competitors are efficient and diligent. They make me search for ways to improve my service and efficiencies. My competitors would take my… Read more »

Occasionally, we get…

Out of bed with our “C” game. Doesn’t matter much if we stay at home, by ourselves, and don’t interact with anyone. But those instances are rare. We may wake up with our “C” game but we must leave our house with our “A” game. Why? For starters, that’s like us – and we can… Read more »