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A change…

In nature…whether it be the tides, stars, weather, or pretty much everything else…things are constantly changing. The same goes for our lives. So why is it so hard for some of us to accept change? Life and history shows that we resist change because we, as people, like to give the minimum to get the… Read more »

Building muscle…

Is not as easy as it’s sounds. Because every time we exercise in an effort to build muscles, we actually “tear down” our muscles…building muscles is a process. Once we exercise, we must “rest” the muscle to allow for it to build back stronger, in accordance to the stress put on it. And since the… Read more »

When you have…

Achieved what you wanted to achieve, and they throw a ceremonial party in your favor, and you’re the guest of honor. Make sure to put on a great outfit to greet all your adoring fans, because you are in your element and deserve to soak in all the glory. And as you think of yourself,… Read more »

You can never do something nice…

…and not have affect you, positively. So if you want to feel a little better, just change doing something nice for “yourself “into doing something nice for “someone else”. You’ll feel better and so will the “someone else”…you get a 2-fer…Sweet. Yours in “The way it is” – Coach

You don’t have to be good…

At something, if you like to do it – just do it. Heck, I got D’s in English and it’s my native language. Even in College, I had to take “bonehead” English – English 101 and 110 – one is for reading and one is for writing. I read every book at zappos…and I read,… Read more »

Oh boy…today’s blog number is 777…

Looks like this is our lucky day! We always invite luck into our lives, but there is a way to be even more lucky. When we see people that always seem to be lucky, there is usually some other things that have happened behind the scenes. “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity” – so the… Read more »

Are you and Artist?

Maybe…maybe not. Either way, you are the one who paints the picture of yourself, not someone else. And I don’t believe we should paint a small picture of ourselves…why should we? Reality dictates we can become as big as our dreams, so paint BIG. Yours in “Painting a Masterpiece” – Coach

It’s our choice.

We can choose to view our lives and everything in it either positively or negatively. We can choose to focus on the good in people or pick on their lack or what we believe they should do. Yes, it is our choice to choose our attitudes and  perceptions regarding everything in our lives, and we… Read more »

There are Imitators…

And there are Originators. Imitators don’t do a lot with the exception of “parroting” what someone else already did. But Originators, can be the spark that changes the way the world spins. If it weren’t for Originators, we would have nothing new in the world, and probably still be eating around a campfire…and only if… Read more »

Why me?

Is a question we often ask ourselves, especially when we are having a tough time. You know the deal, one bad thing happens in our lives, or to us, then a couple more seem to pile on, just because, until we are at the end of our rope asking “Why me”? Why not? We know… Read more »