Posts By: Dr. Vik

Every Journey…

Has to start somewhere. Whether the journey it is a camping trip, expedition, or our life. Planning our journey, for whatever we have chosen, starts with us, and has no bearing of where we were before, in the past, with the exception of experience and what we have already learned which can help to guide… Read more »

We grew up coloring…

And the colors are what also helped our brain to develop…and remember in color. Try it yourself. Look at a page with only black text for 10 seconds, and then close your eyes and visualize the page and not much of what you looked at will “pop out”. Then take a page with different color… Read more »

One of our greatest attributes…

Is our Ambition. With it, we can drive our lives forward…and without it, we stay in neutral. We all have it, just some of us aren’t using it as much as we should be. It’s OK, ambition can be stunted by adversity, and if that’s the case, we simply need to ease into our ambition… Read more »


Is described as a loyalty or devotion. From allegiance comes our allies…those who help us and “have our back”. Focusing on those who help us and dismissing those who are attempting to do the opposite, is a key in focusing our attention on that which will move us forward. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

An Acquired Skill

Many foods are all so tempting when they contain loads of fat and other ingredients that aren’t so good for you, on a daily basis. We can eat “those foods” once in a while, but we also need to detect when we feel shooting pains down our left arms just looking at it. Once we… Read more »

Some people I’ve coached…

Have had a hard time “liking” themselves, and friends and relationships have seemed distant at best. But once they start upgrading their lives and image of themselves, they start to do better with their friends and relationships. As the saying goes…”When you start to like yourself, others do too”. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Uh oh, there seems to be…

A crack in the Dam! And it seems as though I’m going downhill with no brakes, straight to disaster town! I bet we have all felt this way or are thinking that way right now. No need to fear. There are ups and downs, some steeper than others. But things always turnaround, maybe not when… Read more »

Maybe we should think…

Of others first…for a change? You know the deal…many times  we think of ourselves first and consider others as just bugging us or getting in the way? Well, others have their own deal too. So if a family member, coworker or friend is bugging you or getting in our way by just being themselves, we… Read more »

“The word “Yes”…

Has changed my life.” I wonder how many can use that statement, for the success in their own lives? I bet…a ton. No, is the usual response, and sometimes is followed up with an excuse or two. There is definitely times to use “no” in our lives, yet the last I checked, saying “Yes” to … Read more »