Posts By: Dr. Vik

Let’s drive it…

Like we stole it! Our lives don’t need to be putting around the parking lot. With so many opportunities for relationships, connections and success available in our future, we need to take our lives out onto the open road and floor it. Or we can drive it like an old lady. Yours in “Choice” –… Read more »

Are you living your Dream?

Maybe – great, keep it up. Maybe not… Understand that if you are not where you want to be, you need to make a plan, then set out some goals and make the goals easy, one step at a time, so it’s very difficult to quit or fail. You can’t swing for the fences with… Read more »

Are you the one…

Who has straight hair and have always wanted hair with body or curls, so you could have the “do” that you could style and have it stay in place? Or are you the one that has hair with a lot of body or curls, and have always wanted straight hair, so you could flip your… Read more »


Is a sure fire way to get things done. If you have an area of your life that needs attention, putting your focus upon it will allow your energy and actions to be put into laser like form, and if you sustain your focus, it will help to get things “done” like a dutch oven…. Read more »

A recent study that went out…

Asked people: “What was the biggest waste time throughout their life”? Waiting wasn’t the answer. Working wasn’t the answer. Time spent in a bad relationships wasn’t the answer. The answer was…Worrying. Yes, the # 1 answer that people felt was a waste of their time was “Worrying”. Good luck in not wasting Your time. –… Read more »

When we change…

The way we look at things, the things we look at seem to change. That’s the core of “Spin it and Win it”. When we are faced with challenges, we spin them into a Positive, Opportunity or Lesson…instead of seeing them as a challenge. When we do this, the way we look at it changes,… Read more »

There is really nothing…

More rewarding than creating your own success. Some look towards others to help them out and to help get them started. But the stories that have some of the most rewarding tales of achievement are the ones that have started from scratch. Months ago, I spoke to someone looking to raise some dough, so he… Read more »

Cooking healthy?

Sure, we can all do it. Sometimes we equate eating or cooking healthy with poor, or no taste, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We all know what tastes good to us, and many of us eat too much of what tastes good and is not too healthy for us. We can change… Read more »

We are the only…

Species on earth that can create – and it’s because our ability and freedom to choose. We can debate small inconsistencies in that statement, but overall, it’s true – other species in the animal world can create food and shelter, by their choices, but not a lot after that. And since food and shelter are… Read more »

Priming the Pump…

Takes a little energy and is what is used to start the flow. Understanding the process will help you when you need an extra push to get things going. Many things in our lives don’t just happen or start themselves, and that’s what keeps some people in limbo. So if you need to get things… Read more »