Posts By: Dr. Vik

When things get “hairy”…

Not to worry, because many times, when we think we are close to a breakdown, we are right about to experience a breakthrough. We’ve all felt it and had it happen to us, most likely, more than once. We are almost ready to throw in the towel because nothing seems to be going our way…and… Read more »

The Majority of Americans…

Work for a company. And the majority of the employees also somehow think things should run smoothly or be perfect, all of the time. But in Reality, society and companies run like anything else in this world…just like our lives, there are ups and downs, twists and turns and occasional challenges. So at our workplace,… Read more »

Who are those…

Unbelievable special people in our lives that we take for granted? Most likely, they are the ones closest to us…and just may be our spouse, our best friend, or kids. I recently spoke to someone who let me know that he had the least patience, was more demanding and gave little credit…to his wife. He… Read more »

Take the Time…

To smell the roses, they say. In life, we often focus on what we are doing or the task at hand, and occasionally stop and look around but rarely do we see. The things that we take for granted are the very things we like otherwise they wouldn’t be around us. Understanding that we have… Read more »

There are 3 types…

Of People in this World: Those who can count. And those who can’t. Yours in “Can’t be good in everything” – Coach

There would be almost…

Nothing worse than having no competition. We would get lazy, by having nothing to challenge us. We would grow bored, by things coming easily. We would become complacent, by never facing a challenge. We would become weak, by not having to use, what we were blessed with. We would never reach our potential, as we… Read more »

Hopefully, only occasionally…

We look in the mirror, or at or lives and we are sufficiently horrified. It’s OK…it happens…it’s only the results of what we have let slip. And it’s really great inspiration and motivation to take what we have let slip, turn it into an opportunity, and bring it back…even higher than before. Yours in the… Read more »

A Happy Wife is a…

Happy Life…as the saying goes. You don’t have to get married…because it’s meaning is all about the ones closest to you. To treat the ones closest to you with kindness and respect and making them feel like Royalty, is the real deal and it results in a Happy Life. Being miserable or making the ones… Read more »

Balance is often…

Forgotten when we are overwhelmed with all the things that go on in our lives. But those are the times where balance is the most important. Taking time to shut down and “key off” is not a waste of time, it is exactly what will help us to re-focus and also help us handle what… Read more »

Life is what happens…

Life is what happens… When we are making other plans! We talk about making plans and goals to better our lives, but we must not forsake our time in the present or the time getting there. We need to stay mindful of the process and the beauty it contains and will unfold, over time. So… Read more »