Posts By: Dr. Vik

No more fun and games in your life?

I don’t know about you, but if that were the case, what’s the use? But some people live by that rule, for they either, by choice or default, allow too much focus to be put on life, and not enough on living. So keep the fun and games in your life, it will make the… Read more »

Train hard…

To win easy. We see this all the time in professional sports. The top players make everything look so easy, but the truth of the matter is that the “look easy” part came from many years and countless hours of training. So if we want to “win easy”, we must “train hard”…in whatever we choose… Read more »

More Water…

In the May 10th blog titled “Starting to heat up, Folks” we talked about the importance of water, and based on the experiences of my colleagues and myself, we have learned that we as a nation are dehydrated and it results in health issues. To re-cap the amount, consuming 1 ounce of water for every… Read more »

How Big is Your World?

It’s most likely a lot bigger than when we were born. We’re not talking the real world, but “Your world”. Remember back when you were a small child – your entire world was your bedroom – the place where we all slept, played and had dreams of what we wanted to become. As we grew… Read more »

My Dad called me…

Last week and he said he figured it all out. He said, “He was going to live until he died”. For me, it kind of wrapped it all up. I guess the only thing for us to do, is to choose just how we want to live until the inevitable. Pretty cool, and totally up… Read more »

Top of the line…

Is always the best. How would we like to have our vacation be top of the line? How would it be to dine out and be told that our main course is all made out of top of the line ingredients, made by top of the line Chefs, in a top of the line kitchen?… Read more »

I like being alone…

But it depends on who I’m with. No mater how we slice it, we are with me, myself or I, when we are alone…so we might as well get used to it, and enjoy ourselves. After all, it is You that takes care of yourself. You feed, dress and bath yourself. You also pick your… Read more »

Relationships are one…

Relationships are one… Of the most cherished things we can create. One of my greatest mentors, fondly known as “Grandpa Cowboy”, who has since passed, let me in on a nugget that I will never forget. He said, “Laddie, when you get old, if you need more than one hand to count your true friends,… Read more »

Things don’t happen to us…

They happen for us. When things happen to us, we become the victim, and when things happen for us, we are in charge and it is up to us, what we do with it, or what we do about it. It’s all about perception. Whatever comes our way, comes our way, and it is up… Read more »

“Set the Tone”

What happens in the first hour of your day usually sets the tone for the rest of the day to follow…either positive or negative. What has been proven most useful to get the best out of each day is to be proactive and “Set Your Own Tone” for the day. What is needed to “Set… Read more »