Posts By: Dr. Vik

Is Our Vision…

Big enough? Creating a Vision for our lives is super important, for it will be the guiding light for where we want to go or end up. But regretfully, some of us have our Vision that is a bit too short sighted. By having a Big Vision, we can see far in the distance and… Read more »

Should I do this…

Or should I do that? Decisions, Decisions? Remember – No decisions, is a decision. When it comes to the decisions to “strap up” and start moving forward….the time is now. Or, we can wait until we are younger, richer, or more better looking. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

When we rationalize…

We are just kidding ourselves. Things are all simple, cut and dry, yes or no. Sure there can be occasional factors that need to be considered…but they shouldn’t be considered most of the time. When we rationalize we only moving things into our favor, and not truly playing them as they are. Let’s not mince… Read more »

Where does my dough go??

On average, the people I have worked with have around 60% of their income go towards “fixed” expenses +-. The “rest” goes towards the personal choices of the individual… So first thing first…Make a list of where the “rest” goes and and maybe you can change where the “rest” goes?? – Dr. Vik, The Culture… Read more »

Structure Dictates Function

At times many of us feel that our lives are not the way we want them to be. Too much of this or too much of that. But remember, we receive what we allow. So, if this has anything to do with your life, consider structuring it differently, after all, YOU are in control. With… Read more »

It’s not good looks…

Money or youth that is the key to happiness, research tells us that, and so does looking around and seeing for ourselves. Some of the most miserable people are the rich and good looking that have their youth. But what does bring us happiness, is when we are working our plan to better oursleves and to help… Read more »

How would it be…

To have someone say “It sure must be pretty cool being you”? Sweet, eh? Well, people notice, not what you do, but how you do it. Whether you drive a bus, teach, or sweep the streets – it’s not what you do, but how you do it…that makes the difference. Do we do what we… Read more »

Who’s Life is it, anyways?

Do you sometimes get the feeling you are not in control? Are you doing things you have always done, that you don’t like…or don’t want to do? Well, it’s time for you to take control and do things your way. For me…I now cut the crust off my bread…never liked crust, but always ate it… Read more »

Maybe the most under rated system…

In our body is the Lymph system? Could be. Not a lot of people know that is is as big as our circulatory system – but since it has no pump, like the heart, it doesn’t get much recognition. But it sure is important. There are so many organs and systems in our body that… Read more »

Sometimes we are dealt…

Winning hands. And sometimes we are just dealt opportunities for a winning hand. In these cases, we just need to understand that it is our choice to figure out what to discard, and what to keep, for us to create a winning hand. Because, after all, if we were just dealt nothing but winning hands,… Read more »