Posts By: Dr. Vik

Value is judged…

By the Person. I have witnessed a ton of choices made by the ones I have the pleasure to work with on goal setting. They pick something or an area in their life that is valuable to them to acquire, achieve or get done and the range of choices is really all over the chart…. Read more »

What don’t YOU do??

When my boy Sam just entered 2nd grade and he was sent home with some papers for us to sign and apparently he needed to sign them too. The first paper he signed was that if he ever went on the school computer he wouldn’t explore different sites which he thought was odd, why would… Read more »

If you set your…

Mind to it, your mind will do it…if you don’t, it won’t. Got up the other day and needed to do some writing to meet a deadline, the problem was, I also needed to do other things and wanted to do something else. So there I sat…looking at the computer screen, trying to write. A… Read more »

Positive Thoughts…

Keep bad things away. Not really, but positive thoughts allow us to see positive things in our lives and in doing so, the bad things are not visible for us to focus on…as it’s not our focus in the first place. Just the way it is. That’s why we need to focus on what we… Read more »

Back in the day…

A king would rather be feared than liked. That was because he had a captive audience. But today, a King would rather be liked than feared. This is because his audience has choices. You are Royalty…are you keeping up with the changing times? Yours in “Times Change” – Coach

When is the right time?

When we have the mindset that the time for everything is Now, we can get anything done. Putting things off to tomorrow, will not get it done today. What we don’t do today, will be coupled with the things we should get done tomorrow. And over time, we will have yesterdays tasks, and today’s jobs… Read more »


Sure, we all have been distracted before. But, occasionally our focus stays on the distraction long after the distraction is gone. Someone cuts you off in traffic, or is rude in the grocery store…each scenario is short, and they are in and out of our lives in less than 5 minutes. So why do they… Read more »

We can’t do better…

Than our self image…It would be nice, but it just doesn’t happen that way. Our self image governs what we do, and if we attempt to do something that is better than we think we are, we subconsciously know it is better, and we will do everything in our power to bring it back down… Read more »

Experiences have…

A lot to teach, and that is why we should take the good and the bad with a learning approach. We don’t always get things right the first time, that lesson started for all of us when we learned to walk. And experience comes over time…”we can’t put an old head on new shoulders”. Remember… Read more »

The older the berry…

The sweeter the juice. Yes, since things mature over time and with age, they can be harvested to bring out the maximum desired results. But in today’s society, the “McDonald’s” factor of wanting it now and demanding a forced result before it’s ready, often times, makes us “pick it” before it’s ripe. We must be… Read more »