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Let’s not end up like…

Sisyphus… The cat in Greek Mythology who had to roll up a huge stone up a steep hill, just to watch it roll back down, and continue to do it for eternity. He was made to do this because Sisyphus wasn’t too kind to people. He would kill, and pretty much take whatever he wanted,… Read more »

Are you training…

Your body to the shape you want it to be in? Focus – Time – Repetition,  will do the trick. By consistently moving (Repetition) the part you want to change (Focus), over a period of time (Time) will challenge the muscles in the area to grow due to the stress applied to it, and will… Read more »

I couldn’t have done it…

Without you. But really, I could have, but I could never have as much fun doing it…without you. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Having fun, doing something…and sharing it with someone else. Yours in “You bet it is” – Coach

I’m so excited…

I have goose bumps all over just thinking about all the great things and possibilities that await each and everyone of us in the future! I couldn’t have more chills and goose bumps with an ice bath! I know you feel the same way, when you really, I mean really take the time to think… Read more »

Whistle while you work?

The saying has been around for quite some time and it really does have meaning. It basically means putting in a little fun and happiness in your work. Occasionally, work may demand all of our attention, but the majority of the time, we can put a little fun and happiness into it, while thinking about… Read more »

No one is “stuck”…

When they start out. Occasionally we may feel that way, but with all the possibilities and opportunities for us to create anything we want, we need to stay focused on that. We may have some difficulty on getting started, but once we choose a direction, we can all start some pretty amazing chain of events,… Read more »

Do you have an albatross…

Hanging around your neck? Some of us do – it’s that thing that we can’t shake, get better or get rid of. It can be that nagging challenge that we have been not addressing with current health condition or that bothersome item that has not been dealt with. It may even be our inability to… Read more »

We are always touching something…

Unless we are jumping off the ground, but even then, we are touching air. We need to understand that we are always touching something…life is a contact sport. It may not make a lot of difference when we touch a table or the ground, or touch a chair as we sit down, for these are… Read more »

Making a Goal is just like…

Planning. We all know how things go in our lives…it seems like we often don’t have enough time to fit things in, or do what we really want to do. But when we set a goal or make a plan, our goals and plans usually work out and get handled. That’s because we have declared… Read more »

We’ve all had…

Some rough patches in our lives, and looking in our past we have seen some pretty big pot holes and detours we’ve had to take to get us to where we are now. And since things in our past, were once in our future, we can only expect some more rough patches and detours to… Read more »