
Comes with perseverance over time, but sometimes not within the time frame we would like.

Research shows that an “Overnight Success” on average, takes 20 years.

So don’t give up on your path of success, because you never know when it’s about to bloom.

Yours in Time – Coach


A daunting word to say the least…but perseverance is just “keeping at it”.

You don’t need to slog it out until you reach exhaustion, you just stick to what ever you are working on…over time.

It’s like the Rabbit and the Turtle…the faster one doesn’t always win the race.

So simply put the dials on what you are focusing on, whether it be your physical body or the many gems in the world around you…and just keep moving forward…you are successful every time you do.

Yours in “Staying on course” – Coach

The greatest pleasures…

For you and for me,

Are often overlooked,

Because they are free.

When we are mindful of the above saying, we will have more enjoyment in our lives…because we won’t have to spend time working for the pleasures that costs us dough.

We often get caught up with thinking stuff, and even more stuff will bring us pleasure.

Stuff goes out of style, gets old and are often traded for our money and our hard work.

But the stuff for free…is free.

Yours in “Our Greatest Pleasures” – Coach


We talk a lot about empowering ourselves…what about others?

Compassion is a good recipe for helping others. It not only contributes in helping them with their “deal” but it also gives way for better relationships.

And it all starts with you.

Yours in Compassion – Coach

Why do we have to get older??

I don’t know, but we all age… regretfully.

When I first moved to Las Vegas to be with Zappos, I went to this haircut place where it’s really bright inside.

When they finished, they spun me around and asked me how I liked the back….I couldn’t believe it!!! It was the first time I saw the back in years and you could see my scalp through the thinning hair! Yikes.

I no longer let them spin me around as I now trust they did a good job in the back:)

But to “Spin it and win it”, at least I don’t get up in the morning, sore, and know that’s about as good as it gets.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

In business…

A common mistake that is made, is that they advertise when things are down, in an attempt to bring in more business.

But in reality, when business is down, working on the structure and function of the business is what is called for, not advertising.

Advertising is to be done when the business is doing great, that way they are advertising greatness and it will feed on greatness.

Look at it this way – Would you advertise yourself, when things aren’t going so well?
Or would you work on yourself to get better, and then advertise the better you?

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King