Is it your dream…

Or is your dream, your passion?
Good question.
And if we can provide the answer and turn our dream into our passion, then we will be living our dream, and living our dream life.
Yours in “You can figure it out” – Coach

King vs Double?

Have you ever been in a king-sized bed that felt like a double or a double that seemed like a king??

What prompted your perception of either something being larger than it was or smaller than it was, my friends, was brought about by your state of mind.

When something feels bigger or grander than normal, it is because you were in a positive or abundant state of mind. When you felt something was smaller than it was is because you were in a negative or contracted state of mind.

Our minds have the great adaptive quality to perceive things differently than reality.

So you may want to take a good look at things in your life and see if you need to change any contracted, negative perceptions to an abundant and positive perception, and when you then look at it with the different perception, what you then see most likely has changed as well.

You may even save money next time you visit a hotel…get a double bed, then just be abundant and positive and perceive it as a king!

Yours in Abundance – Coach

Seeds of Greatness…

Are in every one of us, and it is up to US to make sure they are nourished in order for them to take root and grow.

Just like anything that needs care, we are talking about consistency, and not just a once in a while thing.

So what are you doing consistently, to allow your seeds of greatness grow?

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

If I was to diagnose…

All of the people who read these blogs…

It would be a diagnosis of being born with too much Awesomeness. The most common side effect is an over abundance of haters, but no need to worry, you will survive:)

Yours in “Keep Bringing it” – Coach

What’s your Fun Day?

Not that we can’t have fun everyday…but what is the day you designate specifically for fun?

We pick Saturday – It’s our day when nothing has to be done, but countless things could be.

Waking up with the day planned for fun, or open for fun, is a pretty exciting day to have within your week
We can have fun doing nothing and just laying around, reading or watching the tube. It can be day designed to anything our hearts desire with friends and family.

Many of our friends have a fiesta or party on Saturday night – just to enjoy a celebration and “top off” the past week.
Which day is your Fun Day?

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Between birth and death…

Is life…and is the time for living.

We’re talking about really living, not just being alive.

We have the ability to choose what we want to do, and how we want to do it, and at one end of the scale, we can just drudge along or on the other end we can be totally excited in all that we do.

It is really up to us on how we spend our time living.

We don’t always have to “red line” at the totally excited range, but then again, we don’t have to drudge along, from day to day either…somewhere in the middle, at a minimum is a solid plan.

Yours in “Really Living” – Coach