The following…

Are the 3 “things” that we can’t live without, and are ranked in order of priority to life:

1. We can live up to 7 days without water.

2. We can live up to 11 days without sleep.

3. We can live up to 70 days without food.

Good things to know, in setting up our priorities.

Yours in “Priorities for Living” – Coach

Quick Fix??

A quick fix is the easy route but may not solve the problem.

Whether it be be mechanical, personal or in business…you may just be wanting to fix it “now” and even occasionally be tempted to bring out the duct tape…but most problems or “challenges” as we like to call them, need time.

When it comes to people, having them solve the problems themselves is the sure fire way to come to a resolve. So assisting, without interference is the best bet…even though you may be tempted to fix it, or painful to watch, trust the process.

Yours in assisting – Coach

“Thank you” are the 2…

Most underused words in our language.

These 2 words can elevate our world and the world of others, if we said it more.

It shows acknowledgment, and recognition…the 2 things people desire most, even above money.

So let’s get these 2 words back into our vocabulary, and when we say “Thank You”, let’s mean it when we say it, and acknowledge it when we hear it – it will allow us to do our part in making this world a better place.

Yours in “Thank You” – Coach

Why is it…

We tend to only schedule our headaches?

With “To do” lists…”To do” this, “To do” that:

Pick up the laundry, go shopping, clean the toilets, mow the lawn, go to work, gut the garage, buy the present, finish the chores…not a lot of love there.

We need to spin it, and schedule time to “Do to” ourselves and others…that’s where the love is, whether we are in a relationship or bliss – we need to make the time.

We are going to “to do” until we’re done, so we better “do to” before we are.

Yours in “Do to” – Coach

“If you don’t know where you are going…

Any road will take you there”.

Good plan, if you don’t care where you end up.

But last I checked, most people want to know where they are going to end up.

So all we have to do is make a plan to where we want to go, and then we will be looking for, and recognize the roads that will take us there.

Yours in “Making Plans” – Coach?

Happiness isn’t a place…

It’s a journey.

Happiness is not found in the end results, it is found in the process.

Happiness is not a destination, it is the way to travel.

We can put it in many forms, but we must always remember that we need to find and enjoy happiness along the way, and not wait until the end.

Yours in “Put Happiness in the Process” – Coach