Why do we have to get older??

I don’t know, but we all age… regretfully.

When I first moved to Las Vegas to be with Zappos, I went to this haircut place where it’s really bright inside.

When they finished, they spun me around and asked me how I liked the back….I couldn’t believe it!!! It was the first time I saw the back in years and you could see my scalp through the thinning hair! Yikes.

I no longer let them spin me around as I now trust they did a good job in the back:)

But to “Spin it and win it”, at least I don’t get up in the morning, sore, and know that’s about as good as it gets.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

In business…

A common mistake that is made, is that they advertise when things are down, in an attempt to bring in more business.

But in reality, when business is down, working on the structure and function of the business is what is called for, not advertising.

Advertising is to be done when the business is doing great, that way they are advertising greatness and it will feed on greatness.

Look at it this way – Would you advertise yourself, when things aren’t going so well?
Or would you work on yourself to get better, and then advertise the better you?

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Putting Things into Perspective

My wife went in for some testing and everything is OK, but as she was waiting apprehensively for her results, she spotted a little girl around 7 with a bald head, smiling pushing around an I.V. stand, taking a walk with her Mom.

She also saw a smaller child asking a lady why she was here? The lady said “she was here for her husband”, and after the repeated questions by the innocent girl of why, why, why, she answered “it’s because they have to remove my husbands cancer”.

As the saying goes, “There is ALWAYS some one worse off than you”.
Somehow, my wifes apprehension was put into perspective.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

People often ask me…

If I ever have a bad day?

Truth be known, if I’m breathing, it’s never a bad day but occasionally I have an “off” day.

You know, the day where you don’t even want to “Spin it and Win it”.

For “those” days, I remember 2 things: be courteous and keep my commitments, attempting not to “infect” others with my funk and go home.

That way I can start new tomorrow and not lose ground today.

OR you can be rude and blow things off…but the results are not the same.

Yours in knowing what to do on “off” days – Coach

The Power of One…

“One” can be a numeral or an individual…

The numeral “1” is the smallest positive whole number yet it can have remarkable results and turn the ordinary into extra ordinary.

It can be that “One” tenth of a second in a foot race or the “One” less stroke in a golf match or that  “One”
hundredth of a second in a horse race, all separating The “Winner” from the rest.

In using “One” as an individual, it can be that YOU are the “One” which makes that extra
effort in your relationships, it is YOU which gives that “One” more positive
thought for the day. It is YOU which helps the world out by adding that “One”
thing which can better it.

Whether The Power of “One” is used as the numeral or an individual, it IS what
expands your life, and you can do this simply by remembering and implementing
“The Power of One”.

Yours in “The Power of One” – Coach

Pride of Ownership?

Says a lot about who we are. It’s not where we live, but how we live, and has nothing to do with money, class or status.

And a simple peek at our living conditions usually is very representative of how we take care of the other things in our lives.

Are we living in a pigsty or in an orderly fashion?

Living in order allows other things to be in order too, and living in disorder or chaos usually has a profound effects on everything else.

So if we need to bring order to how we lives, beginning with our living conditions is a great place to start, for once order is achieved there – all the rest usually follows suit.

Yours in “Pride of Ownership” – Coach