Posts By: Dr. Vik

For some reason, Jim Biggs,

Just knew he was going to have a bad time at his favorite restaurant…sure enough, he was right. They were playing the music he didn’t like, the table was dirty, the service was terrible, and the food didn’t taste as good as usual. For some reason, a couple weeks later, he wanted to go back…he… Read more »

Your 4 Choices

You are always faced with 4 CHOICES: Do it and enjoy it. Do it and not enjoy it. Don’t do it and enjoy not doing it. Don’t do it and don’t enjoy not doing it. –          Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Remember when your parents…

And teachers used to gain a little control by letting you know that you have to behave…even when they are not looking at you, because they say they have eyes in the back of their head? Well, we know that’s not the case, because we were not born with eyes in the back of our… Read more »

Success starts…

When responsibility begins. Successful people know that they are in control of everything in their lives and that their thoughts, decisions and actions are what makes their world unfold…and that they are in control. Whereas others that do not take responsibility, believe that the stuff in their lives is not there because of them, and… Read more »

Are you a Nervous wreck?

Well, sometimes we can get that way, but it is our choice to stay there. Staying a nervous wreck has no inherent qualities to create success in our lives, therefore we must fully understand that we must change our thoughts to what will help us out, instead of helping to destroy us. Your Life and… Read more »


No natural occurrence goes on and on. It rains and it stops. The sun shines and then there is darkness. The tide goes up and then goes down. Things bloom and then recede. We live with nature and must do the same. Work must be balanced by rest and play. If we balance our personal… Read more »

When you have a challenge…

Concerning another, and you want to get even – Don’t, that is small thinking. Understanding that when others give you the urge to get even, it is them and not you that has started the feelings, and it is up to us to keep the challenge with them. By accepting the challenge, we are playing… Read more »

Let’s all start…

Let’s all start… Our lives in the right direction! The right direction, will be different for most people as our outcome and desires for our own lives are different. First, we need to simply declare what we want our lives to be like and what we want to become. And secondly, we need to make… Read more »

Do you want to predict…

Your future? OK – simply declare what you want your future to be,  and then set the goals to get there. No one is going to do it for you, so your future starts with you and what you declare today. Otherwise, you may end up, where you don’t want to end up. Yours in… Read more »

A Deadline is…

1. The time which something MUST be finished or submitted, the LATEST TIME for finishing something. 2. A line or limit that MUST NOT be passed. And in working with a team, adhering to the definition of “deadline” will allow progression involving others to proceed as intended, otherwise your involvement of being a timely asset… Read more »