Posts By: Dr. Vik

Mindful Eating?

Yeah, I’m being mindful of what I eat and boy it’s a challenge… Congratulations to those of you who have been being more mindful of what you are eating in you daily deluge of too many choices. With the holidays coming up…it’s gonna be “game on” with the decisions to be made of what goes… Read more »

There will never be another you…

We’ve heard it before, with virtually countless generations and billions of people currently on this planet, there will never be another you. May not be a big deal at a glance, but when we really think about it, if there will never be another you, what are you doing to make your contribution to history?… Read more »

Some of us don’t remember…

Or weren’t around for past economic challenges, but they came and went. 1981 Home Mortgage Interest rate – 20%. 2008 Home mortgage Interest rate – 6%. 2000 Dot com bubble burst – Nasdaq went down 78%. 2008 Stock Market Collapse – Nasdaq went down 47%. “The first major financial crisis in the United States featured… Read more »

Better late than never?

Sometimes…but if being late is a habit, then you should probably start adhering to “Better never than late”. You see, when you have a tendency to be habitually late…you are sending two clear messages: 1. I am more important than you. 2. You are less important than me. So if that’s the way you want… Read more »

Sometimes, we have better things “to do”…

Than what’s on our “to do” list. We are not suggesting “blowing things off”, but we sometimes need to balance out. “To do” list are always there and never get done, as life always makes us add to them. So why not just do some important things that are not on our list? Maybe we… Read more »

We usually hit…

What we are aiming for…or at least, get pretty close. So where have we been aiming? Have we been aiming to please, or have we been aiming to disappoint? We can see where we have been aiming, by what we have hit and experienced in our daily lives. Are we aiming high, or are we… Read more »

Sometimes our “best friend”…

Can be our best friend. In living life, we can get consumed or even have our blinders on, in certain situations or with the direction were are attempting to go…simply because we are part of our deal, which makes our decisions subjective. A best friend is a good resource to help us along the way,… Read more »

Changing Eating Habits?

There have been many people changing their eating habits and a common challenge is that they seem to be very focused on MORE of what they should eat and not on eating LESS. Eating more often can help keep your digestion running smoothly by increasing your metabolism and not being overloaded at any given time… Read more »

Not all of the…

Cool things in life cost a bunch of dough, when it comes to our house. But sometimes we wait forever until we replace some items we use as much as we drive to the store. I’ve been using an old crusty can opener for some 20 years, until my wife bought a new one with… Read more »

A lot goes into an Attitude…

But a lot more comes out of it. And it really makes no difference what kind of attitude we have, what comes out of it is a lot more of the same. Having a bad attitude ourselves, compounds the effects from all around. And having a great attitude, is a multiplier which gives us more… Read more »