Posts By: Dr. Vik

Ever feel uncomfortable…

When it comes to attempting something that is a real stretch from your “comfort zone”? Join the club…it’s really big! Most all of us do, but knowing it’s normal to feel this way can be inspiration and motivation to what we are attempting. No matter what it is, if it’s can take our lives, and… Read more »

Keep at it?

Sure, why not? We’re talking about doing what we do, whatever we do, while helping others out. We are just doing our part, in planting seeds, that’s all. We can’t plant seeds and expect a harvest tomorrow, and it makes no sense to dig them up to make sure the seeds are still there. We… Read more »


My 15 year old daughter is a super bright individual, who gets great grades, plays sports and does cheer, but has a pretty good dose of “being 15 syndrome” – that being… the parents, and most others, have no idea about things and sporting a bad attitude is part of the deal. But last Thursday… Read more »

We were born Happy…

And that is a very important fact that we must always remember. We may have grown up in a negative household or have been party to some bad circumstances or situations, but that doesn’t need to take over our attitude. That is because our attitude is made up of how we think and needn’t be… Read more »

Remember the good old days where…

All that mattered was Where and When? It’s a pretty good plan…getting back to simplicity. But with work, friends, family and commitments as we grow older, the Where and When, seems to be replaced by  How and Why. Maybe we should loosen up a bit and be ready and excited for everything and anything that… Read more »

Many times…

We tend to get only focused on issues, which results in a Myopic view of our lives. This nearsighted and narrow minded view, often distorts the whole picture. When this happens, we need to take a step back and take a good look at the whole picture to realize just how great life really is…. Read more »

A cold call…

Can always be “warmed up” if we only did our homework. With all the information that is out there on the Internet, it is pretty easy to find out about someone, to help communication and building a relationship even before we start. And even asking around, we can find out about people and their interests… Read more »

Great Feats…

Are really something you can carry with you for the rest of your life and maybe even something to tell the Grandkids. Great Feats always have a common thread…it’s something we accomplish when we push ourselves beyond our normal limits. By undertaking a Great Feat, we need to keep our mind focused on the process… Read more »

Nothing is really difficult…

But execution is. We have all been there and have also seen it with our owns eyes. Talking the talk is the easy part but walking the walk can be difficult. Maybe that’s why the phrase “Talk is cheap”, rings so true. So understand that whatever big ideas we have, and talk about, are really… Read more »

Sometimes, you just have to…

“Let it go”. When it’s in your sleep, in your dreams and in your waking hours…it hasn’t been handled. And when some things cannot be handled…it’s time to “Let it go”. If you don’t, you make it harder on yourself. Yours in “Peace” – Coach