Posts By: Dr. Vik

Out of Exchange

Have you ever given your time, feelings, or money to someone, not expecting to get anything back but what you get back is a bad attitude, resentment or hate?? Not to worry…and don’t let this kind of “Payback” deter future giving from the heart. What happens when someone does something good to someone and is… Read more »

I’m stressed because of…

This, and I’m stressed because of That. It’s always something, and it always will be something, until we don’t stress about it – easy as that. We can stress about getting out of bed, driving to work, doing our job and then stressing about what we are going to have for dinner. Or we can… Read more »

All Role Models…

Are not Adults. Children – just watch them – they are seeing most everything with eyes wide open – with no judgment, of themselves or others…and that’s the cool part. Doing their deal, and not caring what they look like – my youngest has pajama day at his elementary school, and loves it…hair a mess… Read more »

Spring Cleaning…

Has many benefits. I have coached many that have felt overwhelmed, tired and even non-productive, when their lives were filled with clutter from the past. And once they “clean house”, they feel so much better about themselves and their lives. So Spring is here, and time to clear out the old. Not only will we… Read more »

Remember back when we…

Were young? Anything was possible…Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny. And as we grew older, we were “made” to believe, only in the things that were real. Dreams are not always real, but we must not forget that what we dream, can become possible, even when we have learned differently. Yours in “Anything is Possible” –… Read more »

Got a hole in your pocket…

Where all you money falls out of? Probably not…some of us may be having “money problems” or not enough of it. But understanding that money doesn’t separate itself from you on it’s own, is the first step in stopping the outflow and creating a solution. Yours in “Choice” – Coach

Spin it and Win it…In the Future?

Yes, you can go into a future situation with different attitudes and perceptions. You can go to a dental appointment with the view that “It will very uncomfortable and that you will dread the shot and the drilling while imagining the smoke billowing from your mouth as the Doctor hits a nerve.” OR you can… Read more »

Oxygen in the Air…

We breathe, is the perfect mixture to to keep us healthy, but how can we get more of it? Oxygen, in the right ratio, has wonderful health effects…bacteria has a hard time living with oxygen, and most every organ and tissue in our bodies function better with it…and the more the merrier. The only way… Read more »

An employee came to me today…

…with something she had for years but just found it last night…it said, “What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn’t fail”? It was nice to hear that she was finally excited about the possibilities awaiting her in the future, because only a month ago she hit rock bottom. She was telling… Read more »

Things aren’t going your way?

Well, stand in line, there are many others waiting too. We would all like things to go our way – all the time – but that’s not how life works. But thinking back, we can remember times when things were really “clicking” and we seem to be controlling the “dial” on the success machine. And… Read more »