Posts By: Dr. Vik

Remember the Guy…

In Greek Mythology – Skidicus? He was the guy who always building speed on his way to glory, but just before he was victorious, he would sit down on his behind, and start to skid. He never never quite achieved victory, only road rash. So let’s all learn a valuable lesson from our friend from… Read more »

Where will you leave…

Or have left…Your Footprint in History? Have you already done your best? Or is the best yet to come? Even if we think we have done our best, we may just be able to top our past accomplishments, even if we think it could never be outdone. It’s OK to attempt higher, as we will… Read more »

There are Opportunities….

And there are Opportunities of a lifetime. When the Opportunities of a lifetime come along, do we recognize it, and if we do, do we seize the opportunity or seize up? That’s the question we should all ask ourselves. Opportunities of a lifetime are just that, an Opportunity that comes along once, and once only,… Read more »

Let It Rip!!

When was the last time you really let it rip?? Shout out loud, clap your hands like you mean it, bristle, yell “Yeah Baby!! Why?? Because it’s time to get excited just for the sake of getting excited, that’s why!! Look in the mirror and say…”Jump back, I need to kiss myself”! Come on…Bust a… Read more »

Check out the name tag…

You’re in my world now:) We probably all would like to say it, but may be a bit over the top…but we can humbly feel it inside. Not that we don’t care about others…it just is a pretty good credo to have as a mindset which put us fully in control and ready to “get… Read more »

It’s not if…

It’s when. And it turns around…when it’s ready. You know the feeling – watching your favorite sports team…going along…behind in the score, but deep inside, you know they will turn it around and win, so it’s not if – it’s when…and you sit back and watch the beauty unfold at it’s own divine pace. Just… Read more »

The happiest people…

Don’t always have the best of everything, but make the best of everything they have. That’s because happiness doesn’t depend on money, people or things. You can remind yourself, if need be, to just think of the people who are smiling the most and the happiest – Children. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

One persons ceiling…

Is another Person’s floor. And it’s up to us to choose which floor we are going to live on. That’s the cool part, “…it’s up to us”. We can choose to do things that will take our lives to the “Next Level”, or choose to do things that take us down a level. Easy as… Read more »

I guess today’s…

Blog, number 1221, is a palindrome: a word, line. verse, number, sentence etc.,  reading the same backward as forward. Our lives should also be a sort of palindrome, being that we would choose the same things and be happy with them, viewing them backward or forward. Living our lives as a content palindrome, we would… Read more »

Somebody call the Cops…

I think we have a breakout! I’m thinking it’s…YOU! You recently had some thoughts about taking it to the “Next Level”, eh? That’s what I thought, and am not surprised…that’s like you! You always amaze me, but this time you really hit a home run! I don’t want to keep you, as you have some… Read more »