Everyone you see today…

Has their own Challenges.
Challenges are just part of the deal. Some may have health troubles or financial concerns, while others may be experiencing relationship woes…we’ve all got something – don’t kid yourself.
And so do you. It’s life. Everything can be perfect, but for only a short while…because things change.
We may want to think about that before we are quick to become impatient – you may be good for now – but others may not be.
– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

A Grand Idea…

Also needs a Grand Plan!

Otherwise, your Grand Idea, just stays an idea.

We can write our Grand Ideas down on 3 by 5 cards and maybe pin them to a wall…then when we get the urge to move it out of an idea stage, write actions steps on 3 by 5 cards and pin them below!

What this does, is it allows us to be free with our thoughts to create action steps in any order we choose and not from start to finish, which usually causes the hang up.

Once we think we have enough action steps to get our Grand Idea going, we can start the proceeds our putting our Grand Plan into action.

Yours in a “Grand Plan” – Coach

Start Things Off Smooth…

I’m talking about a “Smoothie”.

It’s hard to beat a delicious smoothie packed with fruits, fluid and nuts to start your day with a healthy blast.

Just put in some fruit, ice and fluid of your choice and you can also add nuts, wheat germ, or anything else you like and blend it up!

Starting your day off smooth just may be the way to go.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

I saw a waitress…

The other day who was getting “slammed” by a patron.

The patron was giving her all sorts of havoc. He was loudly saying, for all to hear, “I have been waiting for over 20 minutes for my meal and it is different than I had last time, can’t you get anything right…”?

And with all of his ranting, she was courteous and it didn’t even seem to phase her.

When she got to my table, I apologized for the man and I asked her how she kept her cool, and she said, “He didn’t bother me at all…I just got a cool new ring tone for my phone today”.

Yours in “Way to Go” – Coach

Posture, Can I Change It??

Yes, posture is something that can be changed but needs time.

After taking tens of thousands of spinal x-rays, the common denominator
is that most spines were individually formed basically the same, yet
were held in different aspects of posture.

There are 3 reasons for this:

1. Posture is partially determined by the genes in the way the “guide
wires” or musculoskeletal structure is formed and the associated muscle
tone and body type.

2.  Posture is also “imitative”, meaning that if the grandpa slouched,
so his son will slouch and then his son will slouch, etc.

3. Posture can be “trained” by repetitive micro trauma, as in the way
you sit or what you sit on or in on a repetitive basis that will help
shape you to what ever you do.

You can’t do much about your genes, although you can develop muscles
that can help you increase your posture. And understanding that posture
is also imitative, you can see how you will end up if you don’t take an
active role in changing it. And you can reverse the repetitive micro
trauma by being aware of what you are doing to your posture and changing
it as well.

But since posture is subconscious and is guided by the “Righting Reflex”
only doing conscious things to improve your posture will be temporary,
you need to stretch the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament (which is one of
the strongest ligaments in your body) which is in the front of your
spine and shortens along with poor posture.

Once it is stretched over time – a backwards stretch on a fitness ball
works well – you can start to let nature support the improved posture as
you pay attention to the other factors.

Yours in Good Posture – Coach

Fear can be a good thing…

It has been our evolutionary friend and without fear, we would have perished long ago.
So understand, you don’t have to conquer all of you fears, just keep the ones that keep you safe and alive, and eliminate the ones that don’t make sense.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King