Posts Categorized: Dr Vik’s latest news

Where does my dough go??

On average, the people I have worked with have around 60% of their income go towards “fixed” expenses +-. The “rest” goes towards the personal choices of the individual… So first thing first…Make a list of where the “rest” goes and and maybe you can change where the “rest” goes?? – Dr. Vik, The Culture… Read more »

How would it be…

To have someone say “It sure must be pretty cool being you”? Sweet, eh? Well, people notice, not what you do, but how you do it. Whether you drive a bus, teach, or sweep the streets – it’s not what you do, but how you do it…that makes the difference. Do we do what we… Read more »

Who’s Life is it, anyways?

Do you sometimes get the feeling you are not in control? Are you doing things you have always done, that you don’t like…or don’t want to do? Well, it’s time for you to take control and do things your way. For me…I now cut the crust off my bread…never liked crust, but always ate it… Read more »

One step forward, and…

Two steps back? Maybe “Spin it” into “Two steps forward and One step back”? Why not – That’s life. In understanding, that as we move ahead, we have roadblocks and detours that are part of the deal is very important. And an occasional “step backwards” IS part of the deal, so we must not be… Read more »

Give it up!

That’s right…Give up what you have been holding on to. We’re taking about that Great thing, that you know is Great, but you have been keeping from all of us. What’s the deal? Are you going to hide it until we’re all gone? Come on, just Give it Up already…and Shine like you are supposed… Read more »

Washers and Dryers…

You know, the new ones with the pedestals…just a metal box, maybe with a drawer, for at least $200 more…each. Designed so you don’t have to bend over. The day you start making decisions upon moving less is the day you start aging a little more. PS. That also goes with parking spaces folks. –… Read more »

Let it Rip??

Sometimes you just got to…To stray untethered or to be totally free is a great balancing tool! Yes, we need to produce and focus on the very things that help us take our lives to the next level, but just as important, we occasionally need to take the ‘Collar” off. So when it comes to… Read more »

It’s not always what we get…

It’s what we make out of what we got. Ever know someone that seems to have it all. and does nothing with it, and continues to look elsewhere?…and it may even be you? Well, many people do wonders with what they already have, and make what they have into a Masterpiece. We’re not saying stop… Read more »

Silence is sometimes, the best…

Answer. In this fast paced world, we often seem to react to this and respond to that, and don’t really take the time to think about, and digest what we are reacting or responding to. By remaining silent, until we fully understand…will allow us in making the better choice in our eventual response. This can… Read more »