Posts Categorized: Dr Vik’s latest news

The Most Seasoned…

Professionals have one thing in common…they can handle adversity in stride. The True Professional can take anything which comes into their work or personal lives, that may distract them from their plans, and quickly go to plan “B” while working on a Solution instead of grinding to a standstill. It takes a little multi-tasking, but… Read more »

Can’t put an old head…

On young shoulders. Probably be good if we could, but just wouldn’t look right. But if we could use the mind, it would be terrific…Thinking what we know at a younger age – maybe we could of have had a lot better time?? But we can’t, and it would really spoil the amazing things we… Read more »

It’s good to focus …

your day in the “right” direction, from the beginning. Taking the time upon awakening, to put thought into how good your day will be and the positive things you can contribute, will help to make the little “speed bumps” that will undoubtedly come in to play feel like nothing at all. When you start off… Read more »

Just enough…

Or maybe just a little extra? Many of us go day to day with doing just enough to get by. And at the same time wanting just a little extra out of life, and themselves. Well, we sure can get a little extra out of our life and ourselves simply by just doing more than… Read more »

A fly in the ointment…

Is never a good thing. Either is anything that can spoil our attitude by being a nuisance. But many times, we go through life with that fly in the ointment, or that pebble in our shoe…souring our every move. What we need to do is take the time to remove the fly or the pebble… Read more »

If we really want to get something done…

All we need to do, is focus on it. We’re not just meaning giving it some occasional attention, but to make it part of most every move we make and part of our vocabulary. Just like Bubba, in the movie “Forrest Gump”. Where all he can think about is shrimp. He’s going to open a… Read more »

Mickey Kane…

Made everything look so easy! At work he seemed to flow with the flow and even bring it up a notch, at a whim. His personal life was the same too…everyone liked him and he was quite a leader. When someone finally asked him what his secret was, he revealed it was no secret at… Read more »

Always Positive?

Can’t be. We all have received some pretty hard blows in our lives, and they could of been personal, financial, physical or spiritual…it’s just part of life – things happen, and we occasionally get hurt. After a hard hit, we tend to match our emotions with our experience…it’s just part of balancing out. So when… Read more »

Let’s be Grateful…

For what we have, and for whatever comes our way. There are many who are less fortunate than us, and some work much harder…for much less. We have a place to sleep, food to eat, clothes to wear and our choice to take it from there…and for some, the rest is just a bonus, but… Read more »

What Matters

We have talked about and gave examples of how to get and keep “Balance” in your life. However, for many of us, the sticking point on creating “Balance” (or time for ourselves) is our belief that we will hurt others feelings as people count on us. Yes, people count on us, and it is for… Read more »