Posts Categorized: Dr Vik’s latest news

Every Journey…

Has to start somewhere. Whether the journey it is a camping trip, expedition, or our life. Planning our journey, for whatever we have chosen, starts with us, and has no bearing of where we were before, in the past, with the exception of experience and what we have already learned which can help to guide… Read more »


Sometimes it’s hard to begin a positive change or turn your life around for the better. But in coaching, I have found that just doing ONE POSITIVE THING, at the start of your day, can start the ball rolling in the right direction. Doing ONE POSITIVE THING daily will help you reinforce your thoughts and… Read more »

Newton’s 1st Law…

…of Motion states:  “Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it”. It is also termed the “Law of Inertia” – it applies to everything in the Universe… including our lives. –          Dr. Vik, The Culture King


In Character, says a lot about who we are and what we’re all about. Consistency in a positive light is dependability, keeping our word, and deserving the trust which is given. We’ve all been around folks that are consistently undependable and not the most trustworthy, and even though are consistent in their behavior, we never… Read more »

Last time I checked…

There was no “Top” to success. Which boils down to…what ever success means to you and your life – the possibilities and opportunities are limitless because there is no “Top”. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

We eat with our eyes…

And continue eating because of the taste. Here’s the deal…We first are attracted to food by the looks, which plays a role on the taste, and if both are top notch, as most restaurants and fast food fully understand, we want it, and we want more.. So in preparing meals at home that we design… Read more »

Are we working out…

Just to work out, or are we working on something? Some tend to work out, just to get the body moving and that’s great, but does our workout have a focus on the desired results? Do we want to change the way are arms look? Would we like to see a different stomach? How about… Read more »

Thinking about…

The “what ifs” that “could have been” can actually be a good thing… It let’s us view what happened in the past, where we thought we didn’t quite reach up to our potential and allows us to dream up how we could have made it better. So it’s OK to think about the “what ifs”… Read more »

It’s not if…

It’s when. And it turns around…when it’s ready. You know the feeling – watching your favorite sports team…going along…behind in the score, but deep inside, you know they will turn it around and win, so it’s not if – it’s when…and you sit back and watch the beauty unfold at it’s own divine pace. Just… Read more »

Don’t Make Fun of People…

…Have fun with people. That’s what my 7 year old Sam said I should put on the blog. I think he’s right. Too many times we are quick to judge and we find it easier to see faults and quirks in people and make fun of them without thinking about them as a person with… Read more »