You’ve probably heard…

That people say that time passes by faster, the older you get.

There is a saying – “Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes”.

It may seem that way, but in reality, it’s because we do less as we age and create less experiences.

Think about it, a child goes non stop, filling their lives with experiences.

My Grandpa Karl, bless his heart, did a handstand in the driveway at 93…but in asking him if I could come over next week, he responded, “It wouldn’t be a good time as I have a dentist appointment that week”. I’m thinking “all week”?

Time doesn’t go by faster as we age, we just need to create more experiences.

Yours in “Experiences” – Coach

It’s not always what we get…

It’s what we make out of what we got.

Ever know someone that seems to have it all. and does nothing with it, and continues to look elsewhere?…and it may even be you?

Well, many people do wonders with what they already have, and make what they have into a Masterpiece.

We’re not saying stop searching all together, just maybe take a look at your present situation ,as if you will never get anything else, to find what hidden jewels you already have and take them to the “Next Level”.

You just may be surprised at what you find.

Yours in “What You Got”? – Coach

A lot of Inspiration and Motivation…

Comes from Recognition.

Why not?

I don’t think anybody wants to do anything for a long period of time without recognition.
That’s the very reason many golfers don’t play alone…for if they hit a great shot, there was no one there to see it.

So recognize others for their efforts and contributions…and it will give them the fuel to keep going strong.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Own It.

We all make mistakes, and when we “Own it”, we can make amends and move on.

Most of us were taught this from childhood, yet some of us haven’t learned it.

Starting in school, teachers never really bought that our dog ate our homework, and that a note from our parents was the only thing that excused our absences – not our excuses.

Later on in school, teachers really didn’t care if you showed up or not, and assessed you accordingly, along with your grades, and not excuses for not doing the work assigned.

That’s why we have laws, to dictate the way we act and behave in public, and law, police and courts don’t account for excuses.

So why do some attempt to make excuses for things in their lives instead of “owning them”? Don’t really know.

Yours in “Own it” – Coach

Sharing is…


That’s from our very own Illustrious Fred!

He’s right – and we innately learned it when we were kids – you remember – when you cared about someone – you shared, and when you didn’t – they got nothing.

But as we grow older, we also begin to understand that sharing is just a great thing to do – no matter what we have, or who the other person is…because as adults, we know something that we didn’t know as a kid…we can always get more of what we share, and when we share first, it opens the spirit of caring.

Nice one – Making the World a Better Place.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Don’t like to work out??

Stretching is one of the most important forms of exercise. It brings
movement to tissues that need motion to stay supple, elastic and
function properly. Without movement, our tissues get less pliable and
become rigid over time. The saying, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose
it,” is especially true of our body and it’s parts. More precisely, we
not only lose it but lose its function as well. Our body’s tissues are
likened to a rubber band: If the rubber band is stretched daily, it
remains functional and elastic. Whereas, if you don’t stretch a
rubber band and leave it alone, over time the rubber band will become
brittle and lose its function.

Stretching not only allows for full range of motion of the tissues,
joints and organs, it allows for increased circulation to help nourish
the body’s tissues while enhancing the elimination of natural toxins
that build up with out motion.

So, the basics of stretching go far beyond overcoming the feeling of
being “stiff”. Stretching has a list of health benefits that go on and on.

Yours in Movement – Coach