Posts By: Dr. Vik

Vitamin C…

Some of the most widely available plant sources of vitamin C are available in the winter months…a surprise? Not really. When the days are shorter and the climate colder, we need something to help us fight the common cold and help our cell walls stay strong while reducing capillary fragility. Vitamin C also helps us… Read more »


Occasionally, people come to my office “mad” over what someone did or said to them. “He made me mad”… Or was it…Your “reaction” to him that made you mad? In reality, no one has control over your emotions, except yourself, so ultimately…was it really “him” or “you” that made the emotion? – Dr. Vik, The… Read more »

We are what we….

Repeatedly do. You see, our habits, patterns and routines, are soon put into the form of “software” that is put into our subconscious, and is activated when we start to perform the repeated act. It is our subconscious that plays a big role in what we repeatedly do, which saves our conscious brain to deal… Read more »

Constant Growth?

Not really – Growth comes in cycles. In humans, it takes years to grow and it comes in cycles known as growth spurts, and the in between times, the body is adapting to what has been achieved. In nature, things grow in seasons and not non-stop. In life, we can’t always be growing and taking… Read more »

Many of us that…

Are Super Optimistic…need to get hit in the head a little harder than ones who are not. When we are not too optimistic, we can get hit or just bumped a bit by an obstacle and we change course, as we expect things not to go too smoothly and we are trained to changed direction… Read more »

Need a little pick me up?…

We all do from time to time. Thoughts precede emotion, but we can always work up some emotion to spark our thoughts. This is what we do in our family: We slap your hands and then rub them together like we are going to start a fire, or we rub our hands together and then… Read more »

Water, Water Everywhere…

And some of us don’t drink? Keeping your insides in “tiptop” shape and your body cleansing as well, needs water to function as it should. Your kidney’s are pumps – have you ever run a pump dry? Your lymph system removes toxins from your blood and works best if the fluid flows like water and… Read more »

If we woke up every day…

And knew it could be our last…what would we do differently? Would we be more excited? Would we want to do more? Would we treat the ones close to us, with more love? Would we be more thankful and grateful? Only we can answer these questions when we wake up every day, but it is… Read more »

Listen to the Ones…

That have been grown up most of their lives, it just may be the wise thing to do. Growing up, we all probably “knew it all” when we were still in sigh school, but then as time moves on, we seem to know less and less. I have picked up quite a few gems from… Read more »

When we take a good look…

At the physical shape we are in, it tells us the story – loud and clear. Any areas that are drooping, sagging or sticking out, are areas that have been neglected and are begging for attention. So whatever we see that is not what we want, we need to focus some attention, mostly in the… Read more »