Posts By: Dr. Vik

Give and Get?

We have all probably heard that “We get what we give”…especially with our emotions. It’s so true….give love and love returns, give the opposite and that comes right back at us as well. When we do this, we are engaging in the “law of reciprocation”: whatever we put out, emotionally, triggers an emotional response, and… Read more »

I read my Horoscope…

And I thought I would share it, because it sounds like yours too…everyday! “You’re simply irresistible today – something in the way you move is drawing admirers from all corners of the globe. It’s not just your overall beauty – although there is that, of course – but the entire package. Learn to own your… Read more »


Yes, Balance is great, but too much balance can be boring. Life has to have it’s ups and downs, just like a see-saw, otherwise our life stays motionless and flat. And if our life is flat – we have nothing to do, nothing to react or respond to – plain vanilla – no glory and… Read more »

We just had a memorable…

Snow experience in Las Vegas – even shut down the schools today! It’s times like these where we had an unique experience and will have fond memories, that remind us that maybe we shouldn’t wait for nature to give us such a great experience and memories. We need to be mindful of “shaking up” our… Read more »

All people inherently…

Like to talk about themselves, at a rate of 1000 to 1. And we’ve all been around people who do nothing but talk about themselves. They are doing just what comes natural, but they don’t realize that others like to talk about themselves just as much. So, if we are mindful of this fact, we… Read more »

I heard a long time ago…

That an “Expert” is not all it’s cracked up to be. When we break down the word phonetically, we get “ex”, which is a “has been”, and “spurt” is “a marked increase of effort for a short period or distance”. Last I checked, there are no experts, just people with their own opinions. So let’s… Read more »

We all have our own “Deal”…

You may be grooving when others are not. When someone attempts to pour out some drama in your direction, you don’t have to accept it or respond with drama. Drama is their “Deal” and doesn’t have to be yours. Yours in Stick to Your “Deal” – Coach

Often, the “pitch” is better than the product.

And all that does is lead to disappointment. Many “pitch” their product or themselves as being top rank, and more often than not, they can’t live up to their own hype. So if you are making your “pitch” high , you better be able to back it up, otherwise it may make more sense to… Read more »

Things aren’t going your way?

Well, stand in line, there are many others waiting too. We would all like things to go our way – all the time – but that’s not how life works. But thinking back, we can remember times when things were really “clicking” and we seem to be controlling the “dial” on the success machine. And… Read more »

Setting Expectations and…

Meeting Expectations seems easy enough, but not all people do it. You know the type: “I will be by to pick you up at 7:00 pm”. And at 7:45 pm…they finally show up. You hire someone to do 3 things…they do 2 of them and bail. You order fast food and you get home to… Read more »