Posts By: Dr. Vik

There are…

Some days when we feel like we have just ran a marathon and milked a cow…and we haven’t really done a thing. What’s with that? Don’t really know – but without the right energy, we are just forcing effort, which never gets the desired result Maybe it the atmospheric pressure, biorhythms or whatever…who really knows…all… Read more »

Some things are just good enough??

Yes…for the time being… Life dictates that you can’t take everything to the “Next Level” all @ once – but that’s OK. So don’t fret over what you are going to take to the “Next Level” – later. It’s just gonna have to “hang tight” and it will rise to the top when “It” and… Read more »

Readers are Leaders?

Can be, depending on what they’re Reading and what they’re Leading. But when what is being read is in line with what’s being Led – it becomes the right recipe for success. Want to become the best at something and be the one out in front? Reading is a great start, but not the finish… Read more »

OK Folks…

We are going to be peppering the daily blogs with more goals setting, not every day but we will be putting out a good dose…Why?? Because this is the beginning of the year and is the best time to make your solid game plan for 2008 as opposed to making them in the fall. And… Read more »

Prioritizing and making a…

“To do” list for what we want to get done, is paramount to getting things done. Have you ever gone to your computer without a plan, and end up sitting for a couple hours, surfing the web and in the end, get nothing really done that you intended to do? It’s a common challenge. But… Read more »

When I was a kid…

All pools weren’t concrete and plaster. I grew up with blowups, metal walled and dough boys, and the game was to “Blow the water out of the pool”, as much as possible, the more the better. We did “cannon balls’, “watermelons”, even the “Pittsburgh plunge” and an occasional “wagon wheel whip”…and the winner was the… Read more »

We can all increase…

Our chances for a long and healthy life, simply by doing things that will result in a long and healthy life. We all know about eating and eating healthy stuff, so maybe we should just do a bit more. Exercise is paramount in keeping the body young. “if we don’t use it, we lose it”… Read more »

Romance doesn’t only…

Have to mean turning up the intensity on a love relationship. Romance can be part of all that we do. When we see the beauty in everything we see, we can fall in love with all that there is. Looking at nature can be a beautiful sight, and what ever we eat can be delicious…just… Read more »

The Goals we set are the Goals we get!

It’s TRUE. And goal setting is not only imagining your future and planning the steps in order to get there…You are declaring what you will get! “To plan is to predetermine a course of events”. Declaring what you want in your life is key, otherwise you “Get what you Get”. Declaring also sets up a… Read more »

Balance is not just about…

Our personal and professional lives, it has to do with our emotions, as well. Staying in balance with our emotions can help us to best handle all the “moving parts” in our lives, which, for all of us, is sometimes too many to count. Keeping our emotions within balance or “in check” allows for the… Read more »