Posts By: Dr. Vik

We perceive what we believe

Kind of simple but accurate. If we believe it’s going to be a bad day, that’s what we perceive throughout the day…bad stuff. Conversely, if we think the day is going to be great, that’s also what we perceive…great things. By perceiving things in alignment with our beliefs, we are satisfying what we believe and… Read more »

Saving Money??

People try to save what’s “left over” but as you know , in reality, there is NOTHING EVER “left over”. So paying yourself first is key. About 25% of the people I coach have opened up a 10% savings account, putting 10% of every check they receive into savings, or paying themselves first, if you… Read more »

Why live in the Present?

Why live in the Present? Because wherever we go, there we are. So when we think about it, why do we keep going places in our lives and not “be there” when we arrive? It’s not about not wanting more out of life, but we need to remain mindful not to be in the present,… Read more »

It feels great…

When we are in on of those “zones” where everything seems to be “clicking”. And one thing that makes those “zones” feel great, is that they come in streaks and sometimes they leave earlier than we’d like. One way to keep the “zone” around us for longer periods of time, and have things keep “clicking”,… Read more »

Got some advice…

From a great golf buddy of mine, Dimitri, a long time ago about how to position yourself at work. He said, “Always remember this son, it’s very important to make sure you advance your way up…into a position to steal”. He meant well, but probably not the best advice I’ve ever received. Take it from… Read more »

Talent or Skill…

We are all great at something…and you probably know what that something is in you. Are you keeping your talent or skill a secret? Others would love what you have to share. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

We’ve all heard the saying…

“Just be yourself”. It has high meaning for us, others and our life. It’s about letting our guard down, and letting our true selves shine through, allowing the real “us” to be who we are. We don’t have to worry, our reflexes will keep us safe, and when we “just be ourselves”, we can bring… Read more »


Some habits are good for us and some not so good. For the ones not so good…instead of feeling guilty, maybe we might want to embrace and really enjoy our habits that may not be so good for us. And if we do, we can then really enjoy not doing them when it’s time to… Read more »

Success may start out…

With the inspiration of one, but it usually takes form, with the help of others. So when we are oloking for success to go past the starting stages, we just neeed to turn the “m” in me, upside down, creating “we”. Yours in “Full Success” – Coach

Do my choices matter?

Your life and everything in it results from your choice, that’s all. Listen, you have no fear of failure or of success…if your life is not the way you wanted it, it is because of the choices you have made in the past. You have the power to change it as the choices you make… Read more »