Posts By: Dr. Vik

The best way to live our lives…

The way we want it, is to first see it in our own minds. Once we see it in our own minds, we develop our thoughts, decisions and actions that will be in alignment with what we envisioned, helping us to guide our future. We can’t create our future by seeing only the things we… Read more »

It’s not a burden…

It’s a gift. A good reminder of this is the song “He’s not heavy, he’s my brother”. So what do we have in our world that we perceive as a burden, but would be heartbroken if it were gone? Our responsibilities of our work, having to deal with our family, our relationships or our friends?… Read more »

Tough Times…

And a tough economy? Join the club, and lets’ see how we can ride through tough terrain. Let’s start by throwing off old baggage of self pity to lighten our load. Let’s use some horse power of positive thinking and get some extra torque from inspiration. Let’s put more love into our decisions and actions… Read more »

We all lose…

And fail, it’s part of life. We aren’t born to be 100% successful and it starts early… we know this from trying to take our first steps, as an infant. We may not like to lose or fail, but both have a great deal to teach. It teaches us to re-think our efforts, so we… Read more »

We need the bad…

To appreciate the good. Word. We can’t always have good things happen or expect good things to be always coming our way, 100% of the time…it’s just not the way things roll. We really do need some “bad” things to happen once in a while for us to really appreciate the good things that come… Read more »

If we really want to get something done…

All we need to do, is focus on it. We’re not just meaning giving it some occasional attention, but to make it part of most every move we make and part of our vocabulary. Just like Bubba, in the movie “Forrest Gump”. Where all he can think about is shrimp. He’s going to open a… Read more »

Mickey Kane…

Made everything look so easy! At work he seemed to flow with the flow and even bring it up a notch, at a whim. His personal life was the same too…everyone liked him and he was quite a leader. When someone finally asked him what his secret was, he revealed it was no secret at… Read more »

“What we want…

When we want it”. Sounds right, on the surface, but what does that kind of thinking bring us? Impatience maybe, or maybe it allows us to go rapidly from one experience to another without really enjoying and being part of the experience in the first place. When we really think about it, “getting what we… Read more »

Don’t really know why…

But there has been several people recently, independent of one another, that have asked me how they can better “like themselves”. Easy question, tough answer. It would seem that “liking oneself” would come easy, but not always…that’s why bringing up self-talk and self esteem are 2 of the 3 things we go over in the… Read more »

Always Positive?

Can’t be. We all have received some pretty hard blows in our lives, and they could of been personal, financial, physical or spiritual…it’s just part of life – things happen, and we occasionally get hurt. After a hard hit, we tend to match our emotions with our experience…it’s just part of balancing out. So when… Read more »