Posts By: Dr. Vik

The more we open our hearts…

And let others in…The more valuable we are to others and ourselves. Or we can protect our hearts, and keep others out, to play it safe, but it won’t allow us or other to reach their full potential. Talking to someone at not at them, while looking into their eyes, allows us to communicate from… Read more »

We eat with our eyes…

And continue eating because of the taste. Here’s the deal…We first are attracted to food by the looks, which plays a role on the taste, and if both are top notch, as most restaurants and fast food fully understand, we want it, and we want more.. So in preparing meals at home that we design… Read more »

Are we working out…

Just to work out, or are we working on something? Some tend to work out, just to get the body moving and that’s great, but does our workout have a focus on the desired results? Do we want to change the way are arms look? Would we like to see a different stomach? How about… Read more »

There were 2 Brothers…

That both wanted to become successful, but they had a hard time deciding what they should do for a living. Tom wanted to follow his passion, and didn’t care about the money. Tim wanted to make money, and didn’t care if he liked what he did. I bet you can decide who ultimately became “successful”…. Read more »

It may take a long time…

To set it up, but, if it’s worth it, the end justifies the means. Virtually nothing great is achieved or created overnight, for creating and achieving is a process. Therefore, time is needed for the process to unfold. And in my experience, the set up, is the key for things to move forward – smoothly…. Read more »

Thinking about…

The “what ifs” that “could have been” can actually be a good thing… It let’s us view what happened in the past, where we thought we didn’t quite reach up to our potential and allows us to dream up how we could have made it better. So it’s OK to think about the “what ifs”… Read more »

We are only as good…

As our reputation. Whether it is finding and keeping a job, a soul mate or any other relationship that involves people. Because the facts are…people talk, and our reputation will be found out sooner or later. So we must all understand that who we are, and what we do, translates into our reputation and we… Read more »

It’s not if…

It’s when. And it turns around…when it’s ready. You know the feeling – watching your favorite sports team…going along…behind in the score, but deep inside, you know they will turn it around and win, so it’s not if – it’s when…and you sit back and watch the beauty unfold at it’s own divine pace. Just… Read more »

When we were young…

We thought we could do anything, and be anything. And even now, there are young ones in our lives, that think we can walk on water and make the sun come up. But as time passes, doubt creeps in and obstacles pop up…clouding our perceived potential. What happened? We change our belief in ourselves,. that’s… Read more »

We can all feel anxious…

And don’t even know why. Usually when we are anxious or have anxiety in our lives, it’s because things are up in the air, out of our control or unsettled. And what causes the emotion of anxiety is our frustration. We have found that when we simply to write down a short list of our… Read more »