Posts By: Dr. Vik

Talk is cheap…

Many talk a great story but seem to stay in their rut, as time goes by. Opportunities are abundant and are there for the taking, all we have to do is be willing to do it. Yours in Doing – Coach

Pounds released…

Or pounds gained – all up to us. We’ve said in the past that 100 “extra” calories a day is 10 pounds gained over the course of a year. So in reverse, 100 “less” calories a day is 10 pounds released over the course of a year. What we didn’t talk about is that an… Read more »

Why do we get…

…pretty much the same thing from day to day?? Whether it be a negative pattern of challenging relationships, struggling to pay the bills, unhealthy habits OR a positive pattern of great relationships, enough money to go around, and healthy habits… It is because over 95% of the thoughts you have today are the same as… Read more »

What keeps many people…

From the future they want…is usually the past. Thinking, dwelling or having regrets about the past, sucks the energy and focus out of our ability to create what we want our future to be. Driving forwards, while looking or focusing on what was behind, soon gets you into a wreck…and the same thing can happen… Read more »

As I get older…

I realize the importance of taking full responsibility…but it is our choice. So in my life, whenever something goes wrong, I take full responsibility…and kindly give others the blame:) Yours in “Ah…the Beauty of Choice” – Coach

You have to relax but…

Balance and relaxation is very important to your life, but too much of a good thing is usually too much of a good thing. We either produce or consume, and we just need to balance out enough “down time” to get refreshed in order to continue to produce. In coaching employees and listening to them,… Read more »

The government stated our…

Recession.started in December 2007. Economics: a period of an economic contraction, sometimes limited in scope or duration as compared to a depression. Wikipedia: “Recessions or Crises since the Great Depression”: There were 6. 3 lasted 2 years – and 3 lasted 1 year…so in doing the math, looks like they last an average of 1… Read more »

Antioxidants – What’ the deal??

An antioxidant is a molecule that helps slow or prevent oxidation of other molecules which can produce free radicals. Free radicals attack molecules by capturing electrons thereby changing molecular structures…starting chain reactions that damage cells. An antioxidant works by “giving up” an electron or electrons to other molecules, stopping or preventing the free radical and… Read more »

It doesn’t take all day…

To realize the Sun is Shining. Yet, occasionally, we do take all day…and sadly we realize that we were part of something really special…when it’s almost over. But, we can “Spin it and Win it” for our future, by not allowing our perceptions of finding we are part of something really special…late in the game…. Read more »

My Metabolism has Gone Down…

Is that your excuse?? I hear it everyday…, “My metabolism has gone down, I can’t eat like I used to, I don’t have time to exercise like I used to….” Great excuses, and that’s what they are. Yes, your metabolism does go down with age but not as much as you would like to think…. Read more »