Posts By: Dr. Vik

There is an old saying…

“We speak ourselves into existence”. And that saying doesn’t only mean what we say to ourselves from the outside, but the inside self talk too. So what is our situation? If we look closely, we are exactly where our self talk and thoughts have directed us. A good way to change our direction of where… Read more »

Friendship means…

Different things to almost everybody. We are all born with, and develop certain characteristics which makes up part of who we are. These characteristics allow for the attraction in friendship and can vary widely, some may be seeking someone to confide in or feel secure around, while others may be looking for a mentor or… Read more »

The first time…

We quit, is the hardest…and then it gets easier over time. Good to know, if you have a pattern of quitting or are considering quitting something that you shouldn’t be quitting. You can either resist quitting, or change the pattern that gets easier…as your life gets harder. It’s really our choice. Yours in “Suck it… Read more »

“My low self esteem…

Is at an all time high”. Ever think that way? Well, it’s better than being at an all time low. But in either case, it shows that our self esteem is “range bound”. To break out of our self esteem “range”, we need to think more like everyone else does…about us. “Most people think more… Read more »

It’s interesting…

How some folks turn out the same as their parents, and some don’t. I know of one “parent” that never keeps his word, rarely works and is a poor role model for his kids. One of his kids is pretty much the same, and defends his “deal” as having a poor upbringing and a bad role… Read more »

What’s you’re Plan?

Writing, posting or displaying affirmations will be a great reminder on what your plan is. What helped me long ago, when I used to eat until I was stuffed was “Just like the ships that go out to sea, I push my plate away from me”. Yeah, corny, but it worked. Other examples are: “I… Read more »

There is only one color red…

But a world of different shades. The same goes with the people in our lives – they may be limited in number, and we see them as one “color”, but what are the different “shades” that make them up? What are their dreams? What’s their favorite movie or book and why? If they could do… Read more »

When we can’t seem to…

Get our heads around things, it may be because it’s our head…is what gets in the way. We think too much…which only gives us our own perspective, which is purely subjective. Looking at our challenges from an outside perspective, or another’s viewpoint, always helps us out with clarity…looking from the “outside” and the solution is… Read more »

We all know…

The folks in our lives, where a discussion tends to end up in a disagreement…when we have an opposing opinion. We often forget and disagree with that person, which virtually always ends up in a “spat”. We don’t have that challenge with others – so we must remember that the challenge is part of “their… Read more »


Is the best of the worst…and the worst of the best. Average is a size 10 shoe…which I last fit into in 5th grade. Average is being the same as rest, common, ordinary, as expected. Average is an estimate, to reduce to a mean. Yours in Being Different – Coach