Posts By: Dr. Vik

Whatever We Attempt…

If We think our chances are slim to none, with slim on a diet… They probably are…Unless we change our thinking. Yours in “”Our Thoughts Matter” – Coach

Your “Sweet Spot”…

Is then transferred to your “Wheelhouse”. Ir’s describing anything that is coming toward you, that you can see as presented to you in slow motion (sweet spot), entering your “space” for you to do what you do best, in total control (wheelhouse). In baseball, a batter has their own individual, sweet spot that activates their… Read more »

Not Perfect…

But moving towards Better. That’s really all that matters. Nothing is perfect anyways, and depending on your beliefs, the one person that was perfect, was crucified. So forget perfection and just move towards Better. Yours in “Better” – Coach

Stand Tall and Walk Proud?

Why not? – There are a Ton of benefits. Firstly, when we have stood tall and walked proud in the past, it’s probably because we have just done something great, and our body is showing off a bit…so doing it in advance will demand future actions of greatness. Secondly, when we stand tall and walk… Read more »

You can take a Successful Person…

In any business, put them in charge of a different business and they will most likely become  a success there too. AND, you can take someone that has run a business into the ground, put them in charge of a different business and they will probably run that one into the ground. That is because… Read more »

The common thread in…

In the successful, is that they all have great habits. Great habits will guide our future and produce great things. Success doesn’t happen with one time events, but is made up by many simple things, over time. Whether its thinking or doing positive things, eating 100 calories less, exercising, or saving on a consistent basis,… Read more »

Are you…

“Dolling up” today? Sometimes it’s easy on those cold rainy days, just to bundle up, throw on a hat and call it a day…sometimes we need those days, and sometimes we don’t. Occasionally, when it’s gloomy outside, it pays pretty good dividends to wake up, do a little exercise and hit the shower to start… Read more »

A big question that is often asked is…

How do I get motivated? Great question…we can either use the “Carrot or the Stick”…you know, in getting a donkey to do something…use the carrot in the front, or the stick from behind – all to get the donkey moving forward… We can so the same with ourselves – whatever works. In using a “Carrot”… Read more »

One word that…

Seems to say it all, is the word “Stellar” If someone said us that we have done a “stellar job or performance”…we would know exactly what they mean. So let’s put our best efforts in the things that matter most, to make them Stellar. And when we see someone else that has achieved such acclaim,… Read more »

Many of us have our time off…

Where we can cut loose or just relax. And that’s great – we all need to balance out. But does our time off also contain “quality” time? We can all work and relax, but that only takes in consideration our lives, and is the right ticket if we are alone and have no friends or… Read more »