Bad news, just left the office…

And started to make his way home.

He didn’t start the day being bad news, but he sure will finish the day with it.

He stopped by the grocery store on his way home and gave the clerk a bit of his bad news in the way of letting her know that she was slow and didn’t know what she was doing.

Upon entering his home he wasted no time letting his family know how disappointed he was with them all, the wife for not keeping up the house, the kids for not finishing their homework and for them all being happy when there was no reason to be.

And where did the bad news start? At work, where he was told by his boss that he needed to do a lot better if he wanted to keep his job.

The sad part was, just like he, the clerk and his family, they did nothing wrong…the boss was in a bad mood and just wanted to spread his funk with his employee, but it didn’t stop there.

Yours in “What are you Spreading” – Coach